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Taxes : Business & Finance
Take Help of Tax Professionals to Seek Advice on Tax
It is always a wise idea of saving as much money as possible on taxes to make them available for investment purposes. So, it is good to seek some help from tax experts and make ...
Does Paying for Parking for Work Qualify as an Expense?
Taking deductions, whenever possible, helps reduce the amount of income tax an individual must pay. Paying for parking at work is one of those expenses that workers may incur, and in some instances this expense may be partially or fully deductible on your income tax.
Taxation of Supplemental Pay
When an employer gives bonuses or commissions, or pays out unused vacation, that is often a financial boost to the employee. If you are that employee, paying federal and some state income taxes can be complicated. Knowing what supplemental pay is and how it affects your taxes can help you plan.
Tax Rules for Capital Gains
Capital gains are reported on your income tax forms image by Chad McDermott from Fotolia.comA capital gain is the amount of profit you make when you sell an asset, such as a home or an investment. The IRS has specific rules regarding taxes on capital gains. They are based on the...
The Beginner's Guide to S Corporation Accounting
Learn how to account for income and expenses, measuring shareholder equity and the value of converted property, and calculating adjusted stock basis.
Tax Debt Settlement - Tips to Get You Out of Trouble With the IRS
The IRS has a way of making you feel small and inferior, almost like you are David going up against Goliath. They intimidate you with phone calls, visits to your home or business and by tacking on heavy penalties, late fees and interest. The problem quickly gets out of hand if you don't get con
Can I Itemize Refinance Points Paid?
If you obtain a mortgage, you may be able to take advantage of a tax break involving the points you paid at closing. Points are fees paid to a lender to secure a lower interest rate on the mortgage. Borrowers often pay points if they plan to remain in a home for a long time. Those who only plan to r
Questions to Ask a Lawyer About Bankruptcy
The decision to file bankruptcy is not an easy one to make, and consulting with a bankruptcy attorney beforehand is an important step. When you go to your consultation, the attorney should answer any questions you have about bankruptcy. Many of your questions will be specific to your particular circ
Income Tax Preparation: What Do You Really Need?
For most of the workforce, filing a return is sufficient. Most employers will take care of the actual payments throughout the year, leaving you responsible for simply filing a return each April based on what ...
Can You Claim EITC if You're Self-Employed?
When filing your taxes, the amount of money that you have to pay is reduced by deductions and credits. One credit that can reduce your tax liability is the earned income tax credit or EITC. If you are self-employed, you could potentially still include a tax credit on your tax return.
Will the IRS Accept My Online Return if My Ex Claimed Our Son and Then I Claimed Him?
If you are divorced or separated and you and your ex did not determine beforehand who would claim your son's exemption on the return, then you're both in for months of IRS-inflicted delay and frustration. There are specific rules that apply to taxpayers who share a dependent and live separately, and
eFile System - Best Way To File Your State Taxes
Read on to gain knowledge about the states that participate and benefits of using online or electronic tax filing system.
Tax Attorney – When Taxes Get You in Trouble
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, things go wrong with your taxes. The last thing you want to do is fight with the IRS, because you will probably end up losing. In these situations what you ...
Online Tax Software - The Significance of Paying Taxes
In every country, the people are always enjoined legally to duly contribute their taxes. A great number of taxpayers often become very suspicious as to where their tax contributions usually go. Often, they think that their hard-earned money is being simply stolen from them right to their faces by th
Provincial Sales Tax Regulations
Sales tax rules and rates vary greatly between Canadian provinces.sales plinth image by Nicemonkey from Fotolia.comSales taxes are an important way for governments to raise funds, and the governments of nine of Canada's 10 provinces take full advantage of taxes to keep the provincial...
How to Divorce Someone in New Jersey
Each state has its own set of laws regarding divorce requirements and proper procedure. To file for a divorce in the state of New Jersey, the petitioner must be a resident of the state for at least one year. If the grounds for divorce are adultery, the residency rule does not apply. You can either f
Taxes on Bonuses in Arkansas
Sometimes, a person will receive a special payment from his employer, usually a one-time lump-sum payment that is not directly tied to his employment contract. This money is known as a bonus. Bonuses are commonly provided at holidays or as a compensation for special performance. In Arkansas, as in o