How to Make a Good Impression on Your First Day

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Careers & Employment : Business & Finance

Building Inspector Careers

Businesses, local governments, home owners and real estate professionals rely on building inspectors to determine the safety and condition of homes and buildings. As the government and businesses renovate, expand or construct new buildings, the need for trained and experienced inspectors will provid

IT Career Killers - Avoid These Seven Deadly Sins!

It doesn't always take a bad boss or a vengeful coworker to sink a career - sometimes, we do it all by ourselves. Here are seven ways IT professionals sabotage their own careers, and how to avoid the dangers. 1) Slacking on Skills.

Career Choices For The Youth

New system of education has broadened the career choices obtainable for the youth of these days. each individual aims at reaching the apex of success that has junction rectifier to stiff competition in each field of career. No company, sector or field is prepared to compromise on the standard of its

Risk Management Specialist Job Description

Risk management specialists identify and implement strategies to minimize losses and assess risks as they relate to investment and insurance. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 31 percent of the 539,300 risk management specialists and other financial managers employed in

LinkedIn: Confidential Job Search Tips

While still employed, a job search can be tricky. You don't want your boss to find out you are looking and risk losing your current job before you are ready. Wondering how to make use of social media in this circumstance? Here are some tips for maintaining your secrecy on LinkedIn.

DNA Fingerprinting and STR Analysis

DNA fingerprinting refers to developing a DNA profile based on the analysis of genetic markers in a biological sample. Short tandem repeat (STR) analysis is a technique for evaluating specific regions in DNA.

How to Write a Skills Based Resume

Writing a resume can be difficult, especially if have an executive resume and are hoping to obtain a high paying job. Before paying a resume writing service, you can look at some examples of online resumes, or use these tips to write a great skills based resume, or functional resume.

Where Can I Find a List of Corporate Travel Codes?

Many companies and government agencies have moved toward issuing corporate credit cards with purchasing ability that is limited by corporate codes. These codes are called Merchant Category Codes. These Internal Revenue Service codes are standardized throughout the bankcard industry. They tie the car

4 Steps to Be a Great Communicator

It happens every day. People are going unprepared in meetings, speaking with their children without a plan or making sales calls without knowing what the customer really needs. To be successful we have to communicate ...

Online Nursing Activities

Some nursing activities online are similar to what everyone does online. Communication with other nurses, getting news and taking courses online are some options. In addition, nurses can also access and update patient information and standardize plans of care. Nursing documentation is the spine o

How to Get a Perfect Internet Signal on a DSi

The Nintendo DSi allows you to connect the device to a wireless access point and access the Nintendo WFC network to play games or download additional content. When you connect your Nintendo DSi to a wireless access point, you may notice that your Internet signal is substantially weaker than you pref

How to Become a Dog Trainer

There are no set qualifications and requirements with regards to becoming a dog trainer. So whether you simply want to be a dog trainer of your own dog or you are thinking of making dog training a profession, you would not need a degree or a formal course just to be one. But this doesn't mean t

Dressing Up For an Interview

Flawless grooming is the very first step towards a prospective job as the dressing style speak a lot about one's personality. Thus, one needs to be extra cautious while dressing up for an interview.

Effective Listening For Leaders

Are you listening to me?Is it time to review your listening skills to see how effective you are with your communication excellence?You can't be a highly effective leader without superb listening skills.Here's why...

Simulation in nursing

The paper explains how using of simulation in training has enabled the effective learning in the medical sector.