How to Draw a Polyline Having an Array of String Locations in Google Maps V3
- 1). Open your HTML file and scroll to the section where you define your Google Map.
- 2). Under the code where you initialize the map define the characteristics of the polyline. For example, type:
var polylineOptions = {
strokeColor: '#000000',
strokeWeight: 3
In this example, the line's color is set to the hexadecimal color black and the weight of the line is three. - 3). Initialize the polyline. For example, type:
polylineExample = new google.maps.Polyline(polylineOptions);
In this example, we are adding the polyline to the map with the characteristics defined in the "polylineOptions" variable. - 4). Create the array of locations by clicking on points on the map. For example, type:
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', addLatLng);
In this example, Google listens for the user to click on the map and stores that value in "addLatLng." - 5). Create the polyline using the addlatLng function. For example, type:
function addlatLng (event) {
var route = polyline.getpath ( );
route.push (event.latLng);
Continuing an example, "getpath" returns the array of values assigned to the variable "route" and pushes the new geographical coordinates into the array. - 6). Add a location marker for each geographical point along the polyline. For example, type:
var locMarker = new google.maps.locMarker({
position: event.latLng,
title: '#' + route.getLength(),
map: map
In this example, Google maps plots the locations on the route or polyline using the data in the "route" array. - 7). Save your code and test it. Google Maps displays a line on your map. For each location Google Maps places a marker. The polyline will look similar to a connect-the-dots image on the map.