How Yeast Infection Yogurt Can Help With The Condition
Yogurt contains a bacteria that is known as lactobacillus and this same bacteria stops or perhaps retards any growth of candida, the fungus behind the actual yeast infection.
Now this is the reason why the daily intake of yogurt has been proven conclusively in the prevention and treatment of vaginal yeast infection.
The human body is a very complex structure as it has many microorganisms, some of which are beneficial and some that are harmful.
There exists some sort of balance among these organisms and this balance is so vital for the normal day to day functioning of the body.
If is disturbed the body is more prone to be affected by a particular disease.
Yogurt and Yeast Infection: How They Relate It is widely recognized all over that yogurt is beneficial in the prevention of yeast infection.
Firstly though we should know more about the relationship between the yogurt and yeast infection.
Yogurt has been proved to be effective in the treatment of yeast infection because it contains the living cultures of lactobacillus.
By the administration of yogurt, the depletion of lactobacillus can be controlled and its stores are replenished.
The yogurts should not be expired.
For this purpose you need to read the label on the yogurt pack carefully.
If it is treated by heat then it would be useless because heat kills the bacteria.
And hence there would be no use of administrating the yogurt.
The microorganism responsible for yeast infection is present normally in the skin, vagina and digestive tract.
These organisms are kept in check by the bacteria known as lactobacillus.
This bacteria is also known as probiotic bacteria.
When any condition disturbs the bacteria, the candida gets the opportunity to establish them.
Antibiotics kill all the bacteria and this is because they can not distinguish between good bacteria and bad bacteria, so good bacteria is also killed including lactobacillus.
There are some other conditions that promote yeast infection .
These conditions are diabetes, HIV.
Menopause, pregnancy, and the frequent sexual act or intercourse.
It also remains to be said that if you are suffering with yeast infection that you ought to refrain from any sexual activities until that yeast infection has been treated as the condition can be passed on from one partner to another.
Daily ingestion of yogurt helps in preventing yeast infection.
If the women suffering from yeast infection add yogurt in their daily diet the occurrence of yeast infection can be controlled.
We can also use yogurt internally to cope with the yeast infection.
If a tampon is soaked in yogurt and that tampon is inserted into the vaginal wall, it will clear the yeast infection.
This can be done many times a day until the symptoms disappear.
If the vagina is red and inflamed because of yeast infection, then this method is preferred over the other ones.
So we can say that there is a connection between yeast infection and yogurt.
It is preferred over the other methods because it is very cheap and without the side effects induced by the other methods of treatment.
Now this is the reason why the daily intake of yogurt has been proven conclusively in the prevention and treatment of vaginal yeast infection.
The human body is a very complex structure as it has many microorganisms, some of which are beneficial and some that are harmful.
There exists some sort of balance among these organisms and this balance is so vital for the normal day to day functioning of the body.
If is disturbed the body is more prone to be affected by a particular disease.
Yogurt and Yeast Infection: How They Relate It is widely recognized all over that yogurt is beneficial in the prevention of yeast infection.
Firstly though we should know more about the relationship between the yogurt and yeast infection.
Yogurt has been proved to be effective in the treatment of yeast infection because it contains the living cultures of lactobacillus.
By the administration of yogurt, the depletion of lactobacillus can be controlled and its stores are replenished.
The yogurts should not be expired.
For this purpose you need to read the label on the yogurt pack carefully.
If it is treated by heat then it would be useless because heat kills the bacteria.
And hence there would be no use of administrating the yogurt.
The microorganism responsible for yeast infection is present normally in the skin, vagina and digestive tract.
These organisms are kept in check by the bacteria known as lactobacillus.
This bacteria is also known as probiotic bacteria.
When any condition disturbs the bacteria, the candida gets the opportunity to establish them.
Antibiotics kill all the bacteria and this is because they can not distinguish between good bacteria and bad bacteria, so good bacteria is also killed including lactobacillus.
There are some other conditions that promote yeast infection .
These conditions are diabetes, HIV.
Menopause, pregnancy, and the frequent sexual act or intercourse.
It also remains to be said that if you are suffering with yeast infection that you ought to refrain from any sexual activities until that yeast infection has been treated as the condition can be passed on from one partner to another.
Daily ingestion of yogurt helps in preventing yeast infection.
If the women suffering from yeast infection add yogurt in their daily diet the occurrence of yeast infection can be controlled.
We can also use yogurt internally to cope with the yeast infection.
If a tampon is soaked in yogurt and that tampon is inserted into the vaginal wall, it will clear the yeast infection.
This can be done many times a day until the symptoms disappear.
If the vagina is red and inflamed because of yeast infection, then this method is preferred over the other ones.
So we can say that there is a connection between yeast infection and yogurt.
It is preferred over the other methods because it is very cheap and without the side effects induced by the other methods of treatment.