How to Change the Skin on an A900 Media Player
- 1). Check to see whether your A900 has a vinyl skin already in place. If there is a skin, the process of removal is very simple. The vinyl does not use a strong adhesive, so peeling the decal from the phone is easy.
- 2). Start with the corners. If you can't get a fingernail under the decal, try the edge of a credit card. Once a small amount is off, the rest should just peel away. You're now ready to find a new skin.
- 3). Buy a skin that suits your personality. Make sure you won't be tired of it in a few days. Although they are easy to remove, they are not reusable.
- 4). Open the package and look over the skins. There should be four included: one for your front cover, battery, keypad and the main display.
- 5). Clean the areas of your phone where the decals will fit. According to Samsung, a cotton swab and some rubbing alcohol should do the trick. Make sure not to oversaturate the cotton swab with alcohol, or it could drip into the phone. When finished, wipe away any cotton filaments and place the phone on a clean surface.
- 6). Grab the battery skin. Starting from the bottom, find the edges of the phone and make contact with the decal. Slowly allow the skin to lie across the battery, being careful not to let any bubbles appear. When finished, scrape the decal with a credit card to make sure it is airtight.
- 7). Find the front cover skin and apply using the same techniques as above. Make sure you have the skin facing the correct direction so as not to cover the phone's front screen.
- 8). Open the phone and grab the keypad skin. The decal goes around the keys, and may have to be flipped over if it does not fit. The top of the skin is more square and the bottom is more rounded.
- 9). Grab the last skin and apply it to the main face of the phone. Make sure the skin is lying correctly; you should see the speaker hole of the skin and the phone match up.
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Go over the skins with a credit card one last time. You should now have a cool custom phone, different from almost everyone else.