How to Lose Fat Fast - 7 Effective Fat Loss Secrets
If you want to learn how to lose fat fast I wouldn't recommend fasting, not only is it unsafe leaving you with low energy levels but in most cases it can cause you to gain even more weight.
Even if there is a family history of obesity it does not mean that you can't lose weight, it is possible to control weight loss once you follow through with some basic fat loss secrets: Here are seven effective fat loss secrets you need to know about if you want to lose fat fast and healthily:
Even if there is a family history of obesity it does not mean that you can't lose weight, it is possible to control weight loss once you follow through with some basic fat loss secrets: Here are seven effective fat loss secrets you need to know about if you want to lose fat fast and healthily:
- Brisk walking is an excellent form of physical activity and a great fat burner.
A recent study found that a 10-minute session of brisk walking a day, five days a week can give you the same results in calorie burning as five half hours walks a week.
The secret is to have five and not three 10 minute sessions a week - the trick is short and frequent. - Eat five or six small meals a day.
You will lose fat faster if you eat small regular meals a day instead of infrequent and large meals.
A breakfast, a lunch, a main meal and two small between-meal snacks is ideal. - You will lose fat faster if you follow through with a reduced calorie diet.
Aim for around 500 to 1000 calories a day, reduce simple carbohydrate foods (biscuits, cakes, sweets) and increase complex carbohydrate foods such as wholemeal breads, wholemeal pastas and wholemeal rice. - There is convincing evidence that eating slowly can lead to fat loss.
- Eating an hour or two after exercising encourages the metabolism of the food rather than just its laying down as fat as the metabolic rate is generally speeded up during this time.
Equally walking after you eat can boost the body's natural response to food and burn more calories. - Have small amounts of alcohol if you want a flat stomach.
Alcohol contains simple carbohydrates which lead to weight gain. - Drink more water.
Aim for at least six glasses of water a day to remove toxins and excess sodium, plus it can even help fill you up.
Have a glass of water just before a meal and another sipped slowly during the meal.