Original Artwork vs. Prints
Do you know that when you purchase an original piece of artwork that you are the only individual with that actual original? Reproductions, recreations, prints or lithographs are duplicated after the original creation; but your one original is just that, original. As an artist, after I sell my artwork I will post a phrase that says "similar can be recreated" this is because I can never reproduce an exact duplication of that original by hand. The lines may not be shaped the same, the brush strokes may not be identical, the emotion and expression behind the subject may not be at the same intensity in which it was originally created; if it can even be matched at all. In addition, of course there are many other reasons that many artists will not be able to reproduce the exact same collection as the original, but I'm sure you get the point.
The reason that I am stuck on the word original is because it is important for those whom may be new to purchasing this kind of art to be aware of the difference. There are definitely many reason why brand new original artwork collections can range anywhere from $500 up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, I'm not going to go into all of those specifics but I am going to stick to the very basic and obvious one. When you go to the furniture and chain stores to buy art you are not getting anything close to what you would be buying should you invest in original art. Furthermore, the print does not look like the original paint (oil, watercolor, acrylic etc.), the texture is not identical and it is not as raw or bold. The more prints that are reproduced the more that value is lost on that print, while the original may be increasing in value. In the stores, you may be getting print number eight thousand out of the ten thousand that were printed. So can you imagine how much your painting would be worth if you now own the first original while prints are being made? Hence, actually paying only one hundred dollars for a 30x40 print of artwork on a boxed canvas, that many others have hanging in their living space should never be compared to a fifteen hundred dollar 30x40 original piece of art. In order for this to be understood, we must compare apples to apples to arrive at a meaningful conclusion.
Therefore, if you see a piece of original artwork on canvas that you are in love with for less than $500, you are indeed getting a bargain. Now there may be lots of original art that you do not like or does not fit your particular taste that has price points that you don't agree with, but I'm not talking about that art. I'm simply speaking on the artwork that you are in love with. If you fall in love with a must have piece of original art it is best that you go ahead and make the investment into it because I can guaranty that you will not find that original identical piece elsewhere, even if you found an artist that could recreate it for less. The other advantage in having original artwork as a part of your home or office is that you can have a unique piece commissioned from an artist that you respect and admire. When you commission custom artwork, it is created to fit your color specifications, size and subject. Now tell me how many times that you can go to a department store and make this kind of request if you don't see something that you like? The answer is never. Finally, if you happen to find an artist whose art expression speaks your language and makes your emotions go wild then I suggest that you acquire an original collection to support that artist today.
The reason that I am stuck on the word original is because it is important for those whom may be new to purchasing this kind of art to be aware of the difference. There are definitely many reason why brand new original artwork collections can range anywhere from $500 up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, I'm not going to go into all of those specifics but I am going to stick to the very basic and obvious one. When you go to the furniture and chain stores to buy art you are not getting anything close to what you would be buying should you invest in original art. Furthermore, the print does not look like the original paint (oil, watercolor, acrylic etc.), the texture is not identical and it is not as raw or bold. The more prints that are reproduced the more that value is lost on that print, while the original may be increasing in value. In the stores, you may be getting print number eight thousand out of the ten thousand that were printed. So can you imagine how much your painting would be worth if you now own the first original while prints are being made? Hence, actually paying only one hundred dollars for a 30x40 print of artwork on a boxed canvas, that many others have hanging in their living space should never be compared to a fifteen hundred dollar 30x40 original piece of art. In order for this to be understood, we must compare apples to apples to arrive at a meaningful conclusion.
Therefore, if you see a piece of original artwork on canvas that you are in love with for less than $500, you are indeed getting a bargain. Now there may be lots of original art that you do not like or does not fit your particular taste that has price points that you don't agree with, but I'm not talking about that art. I'm simply speaking on the artwork that you are in love with. If you fall in love with a must have piece of original art it is best that you go ahead and make the investment into it because I can guaranty that you will not find that original identical piece elsewhere, even if you found an artist that could recreate it for less. The other advantage in having original artwork as a part of your home or office is that you can have a unique piece commissioned from an artist that you respect and admire. When you commission custom artwork, it is created to fit your color specifications, size and subject. Now tell me how many times that you can go to a department store and make this kind of request if you don't see something that you like? The answer is never. Finally, if you happen to find an artist whose art expression speaks your language and makes your emotions go wild then I suggest that you acquire an original collection to support that artist today.