WOW Leveling Guide - Informative Free Instructions
This wow leveling guide is quite straight-forward as well as to the point, while at the same time being vague.
I'm not an expert gamer, but these tricks in this wow leveling guide are free of charge. So hopefully you will like it.
Talents: Make certain you use your head. Some talents may leap out towards you as they will be astonishingly apparent, and in some cases a particular level includes three equally worthy talents.
In the instance of a talent being too good to pass up, you are gonna want to select that.
In case you have a harder time since they all seem so good, my suggestion is to pick whatever does the maximum damage, and also if you can do this while getting a passive ability. The reasoning behind this is, you get to keep killing things and have one less cool down to concern yourself with.
Glyphs: same idea as your talents. They definitely will fluctuate a lot depending on your talents chosen, just go with what appears best for you and makes sense. And as far as the little glyphs in Mists of Pandaria, they are a lot more aesthetic now, which means they really do provide you with a lot of pleasure in order to help with leveling.
Usually: This is my personal favorite part of the wow leveling guide.
Glyph/talents/rotation need to be focused on this thing called UPTIME. UPTIME means killing things, looting lootz, developing experience, and so on. DOWNTIME is bad. You shouldn't need to eat. or drink. nor stop nor think. I really can't think of a single instant I had to eat food. I used a bandage at the most.
If ever a talent mends you, for instance leeching poison on a rogue, take it. If a talent/glyph regenerates mana on a caster, for example glyph of thunderstorm on a shaman, take it. This tiny amount of healing or mana regen will add up huge in the long run.
UPTIME is usually affected massively by how/where/why you complete the tasks. Finish as many tasks as possible as rapidly as you possibly can. If you end up inside of the quest hub taking hold of all the quests, be mounted, racing through and grabbing them all up. Instantly open up your map and discover which one will be first. Click that specific one and wow is gonna prioritize it, and begin moving that way.
How you can decide which of the quests are first. Simple:
You must always take the gathering plus interaction quests first off.
For example: pick five noses. (HINT) make this happen.
Secondly, inflict "kill stuff" quests last.
Example: Slaughter 5 chickens, if you get rid of the 5 chickens first, you might be trying to pick somebody's nose and a chicken assaults you, well you only wasted your time killing a 6th chicken. Comprehend it?
I hope you liked the free wow leveling guide and we will see you inside World of Warcraft.