Final Fantasy 7 Materia Leveling Guide
Today we're going to talk about leveling up all of that materia you have lying around in Final Fantasy 7.
Now whether you're playing this game on a PC, PlayStation 1 or even on the PlayStation 3 via the PSN Marketplace, this guide will work for you.
First thing is first.
You will need to have access to the Highwind (airship) which can be obtained early to late during disc 2.
There are many ways you can do this but I will tell you a few of the best ones.
First off, here are the in-game items you will need for Method 1: Method 1 Item List 1) Airship (obviously) 2) 1-3 Weapons with triple growth (with desired materia attached to each) 3) All of the elixers you can find 4) W-Item Materia (optional) Ok, so you've got everything on the list, now all you have to do is travel to the Northern Crater.
Go left at the fork just as you enter, then go north (up).
You will run into Magic Pot enemies in this place which are pretty hard to kill, unless you have a load of Elixers! Just go to your items and use an elixer on one and then they take damage.
The coolest part about this method is that they drop 1000AP per pot.
That means if you have a triple growth weapon on with 3 "All" materia equipped to it then it you will have 4.
2 million gil in no time just by selling the master "All" materia! You can repeat this as often as you like.
If you want to do it unlimited times, just go grab the W-Item materia below the Shinra HQ in disc 3.
Now whether you're playing this game on a PC, PlayStation 1 or even on the PlayStation 3 via the PSN Marketplace, this guide will work for you.
First thing is first.
You will need to have access to the Highwind (airship) which can be obtained early to late during disc 2.
There are many ways you can do this but I will tell you a few of the best ones.
First off, here are the in-game items you will need for Method 1: Method 1 Item List 1) Airship (obviously) 2) 1-3 Weapons with triple growth (with desired materia attached to each) 3) All of the elixers you can find 4) W-Item Materia (optional) Ok, so you've got everything on the list, now all you have to do is travel to the Northern Crater.
Go left at the fork just as you enter, then go north (up).
You will run into Magic Pot enemies in this place which are pretty hard to kill, unless you have a load of Elixers! Just go to your items and use an elixer on one and then they take damage.
The coolest part about this method is that they drop 1000AP per pot.
That means if you have a triple growth weapon on with 3 "All" materia equipped to it then it you will have 4.
2 million gil in no time just by selling the master "All" materia! You can repeat this as often as you like.
If you want to do it unlimited times, just go grab the W-Item materia below the Shinra HQ in disc 3.