Windows Vista Tips & Tricks
- Windows Vista was the first Microsoft operating system to include the Windows Defender tool, which is also present in Windows 7. Windows defender is a Control Panel function and combination anti-spyware, security and task management program. To launch the program, click "Start" and type "Defender" into the search bar, and then click "Windows Defender" in the list of programs. If you've installed another anti-spyware or Microsoft security program like Windows Security Essentials, Defender won't be active. Defender has a helpful section under "Tools" called "Software Explorer," which lists all of the software on your system and lets you manually manage how and when programs load. You can use Software Explorer to clean your startup program.
- Take a quick look at the system tray beside your clock. You'll see a few icons there, like the speaker icon and battery power, but when you click the up arrow to expand the list you may seen a few programs that you didn't know where running. Windows Vista loads a selection of programs each time you start the computer, and these programs aren't always helpful. By controlling which programs load at startup, you have direct control over your system resources. You can use the Software Explorer in Windows Defended to check startup group programs, or try this if you are running separate virus software: click "Start" and type "msconfig" into the search bar. Click on "msconfig.exe" to launch System Configuration, and then click "Startup." All of the programs with a checkmark beside them load when the computer starts. Uncheck programs that you don't use regularly. This doesn't uninstall the software, just prevents it from running when you boot.
- Vista slowly eats up the space on your hardware just by running. The operating system creates temporary files and system restore data that you might never use. As your hard drive reaches capacity, your system slows down. Use Disk Cleanup to remove temporary files that aren't being used -- the program will tell you which files can be deleted. Click "Start" and type "Disk Cleanup" to run the program.
- Windows Vista is nice looking, especially compared with its predecessors, but the visual effects that make it stylish are pretty resource-intensive. If you find your system slowing down, turn off the visual effects. Open Control Panel and click on "System and Maintenance" and then "Performance Information and Tools." Click the "Adjust Visual Effects" button to see the four choices for visual effects: automatic (Windows chooses), best appearance, best performance or custom. Choose "Adjust for best performance" to get an instant speed boost at the expense of visual effects.
Windows Defender
Startup Programs
Disk Cleanup
Limit Visual Effects