"SHORT TERM 12" - A New Film Review

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Here's A Question For You! Have you ever been talked to by countless people or read reviews on some matter,and they all simply take one direction of thought that simply does not jibe with your own opinion about the matter in question? If so, then you know how I feel as I begin to make a new film report on "SHORT TERM 12".
So at the start of this report: I want to apologize for the obstinacy I am showing in not being able to articulate this movie in the way that others have expressed.
(I leave it up to you if some worth's here.
) The Problem Is Parents! How could I be so averse to standing with the rest? Is it not a moving depiction of what goes on in a short term place of refuge for troubled youngsters? ( Adolescents, really.
) These kids are mostly the products of folks who probably had no business getting into the business of having children.
They were "pilots" of jet aircraft who had no idea how to fly those planes and crashed them almost instantaneously upon takeoff.
These kids are the damaged aircraft that now need to be repaired in a matter of twelve weeks.
(Impossible!) But maybe some vital parts will be worked over by caring folks-most of whom have suffered crashes.
The Acting Is Well Done! So certainly there is a lot of devotion and even love poured on these kids by their counselors; and the dynamics we see between all of the people here are-without any doubt-filled with intensity.
Brie Larson and John Gallagher, Jr.
-- known as "Grace" and "Mason" personify fine acting as lovers and folks keenly bent on helping kids start to get on their road to human recovery.
And one of the youngsters, "Jayden" --played by Kaitlyn Dever-- does a deft job showing us how an abused child draws in attempting to express her shamed devastation.
Their Names Help Us Know Them! As I am writing this report, I am struck with how the names of these characters help us understand who they are supposed to be.
Certainly, "Grace" exemplifies that quality.
"Mason" represents a fellow who is trying to build something in his own life and the life of "Grace" and others.
And "Jayden" is truly jaded.
She relates the story in a sketch of a shark who convinces another fish to become his friend-and for a while things go well.
Then the shark gets hungry beyond the food he's been able to scavenge, and he turns on his friend and eats him-saying (as he does this-- while his friend asks him why...
): "What are friends for?" So, yes, in this picture we truly get a sad disturbed report on the state of troubled people today.
"Short Term 12" Disappoints! But my turning from "SHORT TERM 12" with scant praise has to do with my disappointment that it reveals no art.
It's "documentary", and not much else.
And even this documentary-self has no overriding redeeming strength that lifts us up.
What am I supposed to take away from this film? That love conquers all? Or that love and sharing with troubled kids by dedicated counselors builds healthy adults? Do I need to know more about how the souls of abused children have been destroyed? In a film like this I need to see thoughtful minds who are able to construct a platform that teaches kids how to find harmony.
I only saw-- at the end-- a dysfunctional show of hate-- dealt upon a dad who deserved it; but let me ask: Are we satisfied with that sort of solution? The Spirit Of The Age! Albert Schweitzer wrote almost ten decades ago that "the spirit of the age loves dissonance, in tones, in lines and in thought.
That shows how far from thinking it is, for thinking is a harmony that exists inside of us.
" This movie was full of dissonance, and it's precisely that which prevents me from giving it sincere praise.
I'm not clear this kind of subject really lends itself to a thoughtful production.
Its writer and director was Destin Daniel Cretton who worked in such a place for a short time.
Obviously, he tries to show the truth.
But good films need much more.
My grade on "SHORT TERM 12" is FIVE.
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