Prevent Damage, Injury And Even Death With Lightning Protection System
Lightning can be very destructive. Therefore, it's very important to install lightning surge protectors and lightning protection for buildings to prevent lightning strikes. Here's an overview of the different benefits you will enjoy with the lightning protection systems.
Lightning Strikes- Can You Stop It?
Just like water and solar energy, lightning is also a natural force which cannot be stopped. But, you always have the option to divert it. The fact is, it gets a path to the ground and then diverted to a space where it can safely discharge.
Nowadays, it's a must to have lightning surge protectors in home since most of the homes nowadays have expensive electronic appliances which can get damaged from the lightning strikes. By providing the right path, the strike can be easily passed into a ground and none of the electronic appliances will get damaged.
Lightning Rods- Can You Stop The Strikes With These Rods?
In the earlier days, rods were installed in both the residential homes and commercial structure where there was a possibility of strikes. The initial objective of installing these rods was that it kept the strikes away from your home or other building structure. But, the strikes used the rod as a medium to find the straight path to the ground and so cannot cause any damage to the building structure. Although such rods never attracts lightning but they easily attract the electric charge so that it finds a path in the ground.
Modern Residential Protection Systems
While you may find rods in many old building structures, more and more people are now installing modern residential protection equipment. Modern protection systems also serve the same purpose, but they are a little more complex. Always choose the system on the basis of the size of your home.
Obviously, you have to pay a good amount of money for the protection systems in comparison to what you pay for rods. However, it's actually worth it to invest your money because one strike can cause a lot more damage than the money you will spend to buy the grounding systems. A system is mainly made of a series of copper and aluminium spikes which is known as air terminals.
Lightning protection systems protects your building structure but you will also need lightning surge protectors to keep your expensive electronic appliances safe from power surges. Remember, a strike can cause a power line which can completely damage a building by sending current blasts. Even when the strikes are far away from where you live, it can still have a tremendous impact on the building structure. This is also true for cable and phone wires. You should always get the system installed with the help of a professional.
Considering all the different benefits of installing grounding for lightning protection, you can now easily protect your home from strikes with the help of this protection system.
Lightning Strikes- Can You Stop It?
Just like water and solar energy, lightning is also a natural force which cannot be stopped. But, you always have the option to divert it. The fact is, it gets a path to the ground and then diverted to a space where it can safely discharge.
Nowadays, it's a must to have lightning surge protectors in home since most of the homes nowadays have expensive electronic appliances which can get damaged from the lightning strikes. By providing the right path, the strike can be easily passed into a ground and none of the electronic appliances will get damaged.
Lightning Rods- Can You Stop The Strikes With These Rods?
In the earlier days, rods were installed in both the residential homes and commercial structure where there was a possibility of strikes. The initial objective of installing these rods was that it kept the strikes away from your home or other building structure. But, the strikes used the rod as a medium to find the straight path to the ground and so cannot cause any damage to the building structure. Although such rods never attracts lightning but they easily attract the electric charge so that it finds a path in the ground.
Modern Residential Protection Systems
While you may find rods in many old building structures, more and more people are now installing modern residential protection equipment. Modern protection systems also serve the same purpose, but they are a little more complex. Always choose the system on the basis of the size of your home.
Obviously, you have to pay a good amount of money for the protection systems in comparison to what you pay for rods. However, it's actually worth it to invest your money because one strike can cause a lot more damage than the money you will spend to buy the grounding systems. A system is mainly made of a series of copper and aluminium spikes which is known as air terminals.
Lightning protection systems protects your building structure but you will also need lightning surge protectors to keep your expensive electronic appliances safe from power surges. Remember, a strike can cause a power line which can completely damage a building by sending current blasts. Even when the strikes are far away from where you live, it can still have a tremendous impact on the building structure. This is also true for cable and phone wires. You should always get the system installed with the help of a professional.
Considering all the different benefits of installing grounding for lightning protection, you can now easily protect your home from strikes with the help of this protection system.