Job Interview Tips Dos & Dont's
- Let the interviewer see your professional hands image by vb_photo from
If you are heading out to an important job interview, you need to impress your potential boss by giving the interview your full attention. If make a bad impression, it could cost you your reputation, and a potential job. Show your potential bosses that you respect them and the time they took to interview you. - According to the Employment Guide's Job Interview Tips, being on time might be one of the most important aspects of being prepared for your job interview. Employers expect their employees to show up on time or five to 10 minutes early each workday. To make a good impression, you need to treat the interview as you would a workday. Another way to be prepared is to bring your resume. Having your resume in front of you keeps your skills and experience at your fingertips. Also, do some research on your potential employer so you will appear interested and informed, and have questions prepared to ask the interviewer about the company and the job.
- Behaving professionally demonstrates to your potential boss that you respect him. For instance, you might want to remain standing until he asks you to sit. Sitting without being asked might make you appear overly casual. The clothes you wear also should be clean and professional looking. Wearing nice shoes is important, too.
- Slang and profanity are inappropriate for a job interview, and using such words shows that you are immature and ill-equipped for a career. Addressing your potential boss by his name is important. It demonstrates that you care about him and his company. Calling your interviewer Mr., Ms., Mrs., Sir or Ma'am is correct etiquette. You should not call your potential boss by his first name or nickname unless he asks you to.
Be on Time and Prepared
Have a Professional Demeanor
Speak Professionally