Liberal & Progressive Politics - Issues & Views
Economic Issues
"It's the economy, stupid," was a phrase coined by Bill Clinton;s successful 1992 run for the presidency. And it's still the economy that motivates Democrats, and all voters, and how economic issues affect their families and communities. This site includes articles, analysis and various perspectives on economic issues of concern to liberals and progressives.
- Obama's "Make It in America" Strategy to Revive U.S. Manufacturing
- Obama's 2010 National Export Initiative
- Obama's Economic Policy Agenda "Guiding Principles"
- Blue Dog 2010 Blueprint for 15 Fiscal Reforms
- Labor Leader Trumka on Why Americans Are Angry
- Pros and Cons of Obama's Stimulus Package
- Pros & Cons of Free Trade Agreements
- Common Sense Says NO to Social Security Privatization
- Liberalism 101: Democratic Party Agenda on Retirement Security
Immigration Reform
The U.S. is home to an estimated twelve million illegal immigrants and their families, and the number swells annually as American companies continue to employundocumented workers. This category includes articles, various perspectives and current data on immigration reform ideas and legislation.
- President Obama's 2010 Immigration Plan
- Profile of the DREAM Act
- DHS Director Janet Napolitano on Border Security, National Security
- Illegal Immigration Explained - Profits & Poverty, Social Security & Starvation
- Profile of Cesar Chavez, Latino Champion of Civil Rights
- Barack Obama's Courageous Speech on Immigration Reform
Education & No Child Left Behind Act
Articles, perspectives, current news and important speeches on the U.S. public education system, reforming the No Child Left Behind Act, and college affordability.
- President Obama's Education Agenda "Guiding Principles"
- Race to the Top, Obama's 2010 Education Grant Initiative
- Pros & Cons of the No Child Left Behind Act
- Obama's Education Plan to Reform Schools & Reward Teachers
- Liberalism 101: Democratic Party Agenda on Education
- Pell Grants Defined & Updated
- Closing Public Libraries - A Death Knell of Democracy
Freedom of Choice Issues
Articles, various perspectives and current news about issues related to freedom of choice for American citizens, including gun rights, marijuana use, and access to partial birth abortion procedures.
Energy & the Environment
Information and Democratic initiatives and proposals regarding global warming, energy legislation and other environmental issues.
- What Is Global Warming?
- Global Warming Facts and Evidence
- Causes of Global Warming
- Effects of Global Warming
- Solutions to Stop or Slow Global Warming
- Obama Achieves Much-Needed Victory with CAFE Standards Plan
- Liberalism 101: Democratic Party Agenda on Energy Independence
- Liberalism 101: Democratic Party Agenda on the Environment
War & National Security
Articles, analysis, current data and extraordinary actions and speeches on the Iraq War, war and peace in the Middle East and beyond, national security and related matters.
- Iraq War Statistics & Results
- The Beginning of the Iraq War End is Near
- The 18 Benchmarks to Gauge "Success in Iraq"
- Iraq War Vote in 2002: 156 Congress Members Who Voted NO
- Obama on Israel, Iran and Iraq
- Barack Obama's 2002 Speech Against the Iraq War
- The Iraq Study Group: The 79 Recommendations
- Liberalism 101: Democratic Party Agenda on National Security
Sanctity of Life Issues
Articles and various perspectives about issues related to compassion for human suffering and respect for human life, including the death penalty, stem cell research, abortion stances and more.
Health Care Insurance Reform
Articles, perspectives and news about the national debate over health care reform.
- Health Care Reform News - During the Obama Administration
- Obama's Health Care Reform Speech to Congress on Sept 9, 2009
- Pros & Cons of Government Healthcare
- President Obama's Eight Health Insurance Consumer Protections
- House Healthcare Bill - Key Provisions
- Religious Leaders Support Health Care Reform
- Obama Campaign Promises: Health Care Reform