Spiderman 3 Tips on PSP

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    The Black Suit

    • Whenever you choose, you can switch Spider-Man between his traditional costume and the black symbiote suit by pressing the left or right directional button . Once you have transformed into the black suit, you'll notice that you are given several advantages in the game. First off, your health bar will be extended so that you cant take extra damage from enemies. On the offensive side, you'll be able to deliver additional punches and kicks during each of your combos, which will take out your enemies much quicker. The black suit does have several downsides, however. First is the Adrenaline Bar located in the upper left of the screen. When the black suit is on, the bar will begin to fill up. If it completely fills, the screen will begin to darken. If you do not take the suit off before the screen is taken over by darkness, you'll be knocked out. The biggest problem is that taking off the suit is more difficult each time. You'll need to input the button sequence displayed on the screen, which becomes longer each time you put the suit on.

    Photographer By Day

    • To gain additional experience points in Spider-Man 3 on the PSP you can take photos of your enemies. The most difficult enemies to snap a photo of are the boss characters, though there are ideal times to capture each one on film.

      Knock Carlyle to the ground with a combo, and when he is trying to regain his footing, take a the picture.

      Kraven will grow dizzy from chasing you around, and when he begins to stumble around, you have a free shot..

      The Lizard will always be after you, so if you hide from him and peak around ,you'll have your chance.

      Wait for Morbius to be captured in your webbing, and snap Shriek when she is repairing a damaged window.

      The Sandman will heal himself with a tornado, leaving him open, while Venom will be stunned during the end of his boss fight by sounds created from steel girders.

      Any time a boss is stunned is your opportunity. Keep this in mind: If you are open to attack your foe, you are open to take his picture.


    • It all comes down to a one-on-one battle against Eddie Brock and the symbiote suite, who have joined together to become Venom. Attempting to go full on the offensive with Venom will quickly lead to Spider-Man being defeated. In order to win this fighter, you'll need to know when Venom has left an opening to exploit.

      Begin the fight by circling the arena by either running or web-swinging around. Venom will attempt to come at you, but your constant movement will have him throwing punches at the air. When he has completed a combo, you have a chance to knock off some of his health. Move in and deliver a combo with two quick attacks and two strong attacks. Don't attempt two combos in a row. Once you've completed your attack, move back and return to your circular movement. Repeat this combination until your Spider-Sense detects the steel girders in the area. Run to them and hit Triangle to smash them, creating a sound that will stun Venom. Hit him with several combos until he begins to regain his composure. Repeat this two more times to defeat Venom and complete the game's story mode.

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