OTS Overview: The Office of Thrift Supervision, or OTS, is a regulatory agency within the federal Department of the Treasury. Established in 1989, the OTS supervises, charters and regulates the thrift industry, which includes thrifts, savings associations, and savings and loans (S&Ls). It examines each institution under its supervision once every 12-18 months.
Organization: The OTS employs about 1,000 people, spread across these offices:
Roughly 75% of OTS staff is in the 5 regional offices.
Careers: The OTS staff primarily includes:
The OTS recruits college graduates on an ongoing basis, especially for entry-level positions as bank examiners.
Organization: The OTS employs about 1,000 people, spread across these offices:
- Washington, DC (headquarters)
- Jersey City, NJ
- Atlanta
- Chicago
- Dallas
- San Francisco
Roughly 75% of OTS staff is in the 5 regional offices.
Careers: The OTS staff primarily includes:
- Bank Examiners
- Lawyers
- Financial Analysts
The OTS recruits college graduates on an ongoing basis, especially for entry-level positions as bank examiners.