How to Find the Selling Price of a House
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Call the listing real estate company.Sold Home For Sale Sign on Burst image by Andy Dean from
Call the real estate company that listed the property and give them the property address. Ask if the property has closed. If the property has not closed ask when the closing date is. The real estate agent may not tell you the selling price of a property until after closing. Since real estate contracts can fall through, agents may not put a sold sign on a property until it has closed. A sold sign on a property prior to closing may only be done with seller approval. - 2
Search the property appraiser's or property assessor's website.Mensch und Computer image by Sven Rausch from
Search your county property records. The public records are available online at your public property appraiser's or assessor's site. Type in the property address of the property you are inquiring about. Review the property information. It will show the most recent date the property was sold and the sales price. It may take up to thirty days for the public records to be updated.Type into your web browser. Type in the address, city and state for the property you are interested in. will give you property information and the most recent selling price for the property. It may take up to thirty days for the information to be updated with the site. - 3
Check your local reading newspaper image by jimcox40 from
Get a local newspaper after the property has sold. Read through the list of properties that have closed. The local newspaper will print the property address, owner's name, and selling price of the property. The information will not be posted in the newspaper until the property has closed.