Possibilities with Android Wireless Application Development
Half of the global smartphone users have fallen in love with Android OS and want to do every online activity using this device only. They want to use their android mobile phone beyond restrictions.
There is no limit of possibilities with android wireless application development. Developers are working on apps that allow user to do everything using their Android based devices. The article gives an idea to work on different apps that can be developed for wireless use.
Turn your Android's Phone Screen into Keyboard and mouse:
Yes, it is possible and smartphone with Android smartphone or tablet can be turned into keyboard and mouse too. User can work on his PC or laptop using an application installed in his Android smartphone. It will be a wireless mode to get connected with computer.
What about using your Android device as secondary display?
Do you still use a monitor as secondary display for your desktop? Well, it was cool before smartphones came in market but now it is outdated because your Android Smartphone or tablet can also do the same. Yes, it is also a part of Android Wireless application development and developers are bringing more and more such applications which can provide users with extended monitors using Android smartphone or tablets.
Use Android phone or tablet as universal remote control:
Yes, this sounds crazy but it is absolutely possible. Developers can work on an application that can turn your IR port loaded Android smartphone or tablets into a universal remote control. This type of Android wireless application development can provide great facility to users. Such app can cut the use of different remote controls for different electronic devices like TV, music player, cable / satellite box, air conditioner and so on.
Remote Desktop to control your PC using android smartphone or tablet:
Technology can do unbelievable things. Using MSTSC command in Windows has been a popular method to have remote connection between two computers in the same network. Then TeamViewer launched that helped businesses established the true remote connection between two different computers in completely different geographical locations. Now is the time of smartphone & tablets and developers are working on apps that can help users remotely control their desktop using smartphone, regardless of geographical boundaries.
So, ideas for wireless mobile developer are unlimited and developer can work on them to create incredible wireless applications.