Don"t create the wrong career network: Avoid Creating the "Anti-Network"
Everyone has heard about the importance of building a professional network. The saying, “It’s not what you know it’s who you know.” rings true. The more people you know that can help you achieve your career goals the faster you will complete them. What many people forget about is as they create their professional network they could be creating an anti-network as well. An anti-network is made up of people who dislike working with you for various reasons. It may be they do not like you professionally or they do not like you personally. Either way you have started creating your anti-network. An anti-network is made up of those who want to see you either fail or out of their work environment all together. It may not concern you how your coworkers view you now but later on down the road it could hurt your chances of getting a job you really want. You could find yourself applying for a job with a company sometime that one of your former coworkers works at. They could be the one who looks at your resume or interviews you. They may be in a position where they would be your supervisor. So it is as important to keep your anti-network small as it is to grow your professional network.
The best way to keep your anti-network small is to stay completely professional in the work place. Do not bring personal problems to work with you. Although many in the workplace make it their business to find out as much as they can about the privet lives of coworkers do not offer up any information. Although many like to involve themselves in office gossip, keep away from it. These are people you work with and you do not want them knowing every detail of your privet life. Things form your personal life can affect how people see you professionally. When it comes to conversations about things like politics in the break room keep your opinions to yourself. Some people take politics very seriously and a different political view than theirs can adversely affect your working relationship with them. I am not saying do not make small talk, keeping to yourself can be the worst things you can do. You do not want coworkers believing you think you are too good to talk to them. Be approachable and for the most part all you have to do to make a coworker happy is listen to what they have to say. Anything that a coworker says to you is between them and you do not share it with others in the office.
When it comes to job performance you will find those who can help you out in your career later on down the road will be the coworkers who are better at their job than anyone ells. That however does not mean that they will have a higher position than you. You will find that there are a lot of workers under you who are very good at their job. One day you could find yourself in a position where you are applying for a job where they will be at the same level as you are maybe even your boss. One of the most hated persons in the workplace is the one who steals credit from others. When you use someone else’s idea on one of your projects no matter how small it is make sure you give them the credit that is due to them. Make sure your boss knows they helped you out either verbally or by an email to your supervisor or team lead. When working in a group let coworkers know that you respect them by listening to their ideas and not dismissing them without consideration. By being respectful of others and pleasant to work with your anti-network will stay nice and small while your professional network will not only grow but will be full of quality contacts.
The best way to keep your anti-network small is to stay completely professional in the work place. Do not bring personal problems to work with you. Although many in the workplace make it their business to find out as much as they can about the privet lives of coworkers do not offer up any information. Although many like to involve themselves in office gossip, keep away from it. These are people you work with and you do not want them knowing every detail of your privet life. Things form your personal life can affect how people see you professionally. When it comes to conversations about things like politics in the break room keep your opinions to yourself. Some people take politics very seriously and a different political view than theirs can adversely affect your working relationship with them. I am not saying do not make small talk, keeping to yourself can be the worst things you can do. You do not want coworkers believing you think you are too good to talk to them. Be approachable and for the most part all you have to do to make a coworker happy is listen to what they have to say. Anything that a coworker says to you is between them and you do not share it with others in the office.
When it comes to job performance you will find those who can help you out in your career later on down the road will be the coworkers who are better at their job than anyone ells. That however does not mean that they will have a higher position than you. You will find that there are a lot of workers under you who are very good at their job. One day you could find yourself in a position where you are applying for a job where they will be at the same level as you are maybe even your boss. One of the most hated persons in the workplace is the one who steals credit from others. When you use someone else’s idea on one of your projects no matter how small it is make sure you give them the credit that is due to them. Make sure your boss knows they helped you out either verbally or by an email to your supervisor or team lead. When working in a group let coworkers know that you respect them by listening to their ideas and not dismissing them without consideration. By being respectful of others and pleasant to work with your anti-network will stay nice and small while your professional network will not only grow but will be full of quality contacts.