Islamic Messages and Birthday Texts
Islam is one of the most spreading religions in the world and contrary to popular belief Islam is one of the most peaceful religions in the world. It is quite disturbing for a Muslim to see how people degrade Islam when they are not even aware of the teachings of this religion. There have been numerous occasions when people from other religions have tried to create a bad image of Islam in the eyes of the world. Why this is done nobody is sure but most of the people want to make their people believe that this particular religion is causing all the problems in the world. Every religion has certain rules and while the rules in any other religion are respected the rules taught by Islam are said to be a sort of hindrance in achieving something big which is totally wrong as Islam has always advised people to move forward and to discover new things.Islamic SMS have become very popular these days and this is because people want to educate the people around them.
They want the people to know why they were created and what the purpose of life is. They want them to understand God and his creations and why certain things have been legalized and why certain things have been prohibited. It is very important for us to know our Creator and also to know why we were created. Most of the people these days don't have the time to visit shrines or to attend meetings where there is talk about religion and the purpose of life. People need to have a better view of their religion so that they can base their life on something. Most of us don't understand even the concept of our religion and the purpose behind the things that we have been asked to do. To make sure that people get to know their religion better people have started sending informative messages to each other and sometimes these messages help us in making up our minds about something but it is very important to make sure that the text message that you are going to forward authentic as it can be really damaging if the contents of the messages are not correct.
They can lead a person to the wrong path and create things in his mid about the world and life. In Islam, dua matters a lot, people believe that they can pray and ask for things and if it is good for them in the long run God will provide them with it. Get Well Soon SMS are very popular too but these are sent as prayers for the other person, for his betterment and happiness in life and thereafter. These messages are usually very touchy. Birthday SMS are the most searched for and most sent text messages in the world. Everyday thousands of people celebrate their birthdays and most of them receive tons of messages wishing them a very happy birthday.
They want the people to know why they were created and what the purpose of life is. They want them to understand God and his creations and why certain things have been legalized and why certain things have been prohibited. It is very important for us to know our Creator and also to know why we were created. Most of the people these days don't have the time to visit shrines or to attend meetings where there is talk about religion and the purpose of life. People need to have a better view of their religion so that they can base their life on something. Most of us don't understand even the concept of our religion and the purpose behind the things that we have been asked to do. To make sure that people get to know their religion better people have started sending informative messages to each other and sometimes these messages help us in making up our minds about something but it is very important to make sure that the text message that you are going to forward authentic as it can be really damaging if the contents of the messages are not correct.
They can lead a person to the wrong path and create things in his mid about the world and life. In Islam, dua matters a lot, people believe that they can pray and ask for things and if it is good for them in the long run God will provide them with it. Get Well Soon SMS are very popular too but these are sent as prayers for the other person, for his betterment and happiness in life and thereafter. These messages are usually very touchy. Birthday SMS are the most searched for and most sent text messages in the world. Everyday thousands of people celebrate their birthdays and most of them receive tons of messages wishing them a very happy birthday.