How to Get a Loan to Flip Houses
- 1). Interview two or three hard money lenders in your area before you begin to shop for a viable property for your next fix and flip. The term "Hard Money Loan" is often misunderstood by potential borrowers. A better term to describe the product is "Asset-Based Lending."
- 2). Establish a working relationship with the lender you feel offers the best terms, and with whom you feel you can most easily communicate. As you do more successful deals with the lender, the terms should improve. Typically speaking, residential flip loans run up to 65 percent of loan to value (LTV), for six months to three years (some offer extensions), with 3 to 6 points and 24 to 48 hour loan processing.
- 3). Increase your chances of submitting a winning bid on deeply discounted properties offered by banks, wholesalers, or other private parties by offering a cash deal, funded by your hard money lender, and a quick close. Because the hard money lender loans on the value of the property, not your personal credit score, you need to be sure your deal meets the lender's criteria to get the loan.
- 4). Manage your deal by making sure you have everything in place for your lender, including your contract, property information and comparable sales if they are requested. If the lender needs to inspect the property, make sure you can arrange to have the property available.
- 5). Make payments on time and if possible pay off your hard money loan earlier than expected. The lender will be more likely to approve the next deal you bring to them and improve the terms.