FUE – The Future of Hair Transplant Surgery
The technological advancements in Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) are revolutionising the way we will perform Hair Transplant Surgeryin the near future, says Hair Restoration Surgeon, Dr Rhett Bosnich.
Dr Bosnich owns and operates the Newin Institute in Melbourne, Australia's leading clinic combininghair transplant surgery and cosmetic regenerative medicine (non-surgical hair restoration, using PRP and Stem Cell Therapy). He is a leading Australian authority in surgical hair transplantation and is also at the forefront of cosmetic regenerative medicine including platelet rich plasma or PRP therapy and adult stem cell medicine for hair regrowth and skin rejuvenation.
"Despite much conjecture amongst the older Hair Transplant Surgeons, FUE offers a minimally invasive and highly effective surgical hair transplant technique. Patients have the opportunity to perform a single larger procedure over one or two days, or they may choose to adopt our FUE program whereby they can have smaller hair transplant surgeries performed (of 300-800 grafts) over a number of sessions spaced months apart to achieve their final desired result. The benefits are the hair treatment procedures that are more affordable in the short term, no linear scarring and patients have significantly less discomfort and can return to work much sooner.
Dr Bosnich is a highly trained and experienced Hair Transplant Surgeon. He is a prestigious graduate of the highest international training program: the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgeons - one of only two other graduates in Australia.
"In the past few years there has been a shift, particularly from patient demand but also in the way doctors think, in terms of trying to surgically treat Male Pattern Hair Loss. Very few Australian doctors can perform this technique or accept its benefits. Whilst I can perform the largest hair transplant surgeries in Australia, I am probably the only surgeon proficient in performing both FUG and FUE - including both manual and motorised versions," Dr Bosnich said.
"However, the flexibility to be able to able have a series of smaller session by FUE is appearing to be more manageable and accepted by patients on a budget or with limited downtime (eg due to work commitments," he said.
Dr Bosnich calls this his FUE Programme and already has a large number of patients committed to having a series of these repeat smaller surgeries until they reach their desired result.

It has been Dr Bosnich's experience that large hair transplant surgeries remain appealing to those with a bigger budget and wanting faster results. He says, "I have just had a patient who flew in from Denmark to have FUE into a residual scar caused by previous brow lift surgery years ago in Europe, who will return for more surgery and PRP Therapy in the coming months."
Dr Bosnich is also the only doctor in Australia pioneering the use of the latest advancement in Laboratory Amplified PRP/Stem Cell Technology in the hair loss treatment. Developed in conjunction with Paspa Pharmaceuticals, blood and/or fat is collected and sent to the laboratory to stimulate secretion of Growth Factors from Platelets and Stem Cells to concentrations higher than any centrifuge can achieve. Dr Bosnich says that some of these growth factors have been proven to stimulate hair follicles to produce longer and stronger hairs, so what it provides is an option and an alternative between medication for hair loss and surgery.
Dr Bosnich owns and operates the Newin Institute in Melbourne, Australia's leading clinic combininghair transplant surgery and cosmetic regenerative medicine (non-surgical hair restoration, using PRP and Stem Cell Therapy). He is a leading Australian authority in surgical hair transplantation and is also at the forefront of cosmetic regenerative medicine including platelet rich plasma or PRP therapy and adult stem cell medicine for hair regrowth and skin rejuvenation.
"Despite much conjecture amongst the older Hair Transplant Surgeons, FUE offers a minimally invasive and highly effective surgical hair transplant technique. Patients have the opportunity to perform a single larger procedure over one or two days, or they may choose to adopt our FUE program whereby they can have smaller hair transplant surgeries performed (of 300-800 grafts) over a number of sessions spaced months apart to achieve their final desired result. The benefits are the hair treatment procedures that are more affordable in the short term, no linear scarring and patients have significantly less discomfort and can return to work much sooner.
Dr Bosnich is a highly trained and experienced Hair Transplant Surgeon. He is a prestigious graduate of the highest international training program: the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgeons - one of only two other graduates in Australia.
"In the past few years there has been a shift, particularly from patient demand but also in the way doctors think, in terms of trying to surgically treat Male Pattern Hair Loss. Very few Australian doctors can perform this technique or accept its benefits. Whilst I can perform the largest hair transplant surgeries in Australia, I am probably the only surgeon proficient in performing both FUG and FUE - including both manual and motorised versions," Dr Bosnich said.
"However, the flexibility to be able to able have a series of smaller session by FUE is appearing to be more manageable and accepted by patients on a budget or with limited downtime (eg due to work commitments," he said.
Dr Bosnich calls this his FUE Programme and already has a large number of patients committed to having a series of these repeat smaller surgeries until they reach their desired result.

It has been Dr Bosnich's experience that large hair transplant surgeries remain appealing to those with a bigger budget and wanting faster results. He says, "I have just had a patient who flew in from Denmark to have FUE into a residual scar caused by previous brow lift surgery years ago in Europe, who will return for more surgery and PRP Therapy in the coming months."
Dr Bosnich is also the only doctor in Australia pioneering the use of the latest advancement in Laboratory Amplified PRP/Stem Cell Technology in the hair loss treatment. Developed in conjunction with Paspa Pharmaceuticals, blood and/or fat is collected and sent to the laboratory to stimulate secretion of Growth Factors from Platelets and Stem Cells to concentrations higher than any centrifuge can achieve. Dr Bosnich says that some of these growth factors have been proven to stimulate hair follicles to produce longer and stronger hairs, so what it provides is an option and an alternative between medication for hair loss and surgery.