How to Select a Wind Turbine
- 1). Consider cost. Some wind turbines are ideal for home electrical production and these usually are smaller. These are easy to install and have a quick return on your investment. Others are very costly and complicated. Even the lower priced wind turbines cost over $40,000.
- 2). Assess your conditions. There is no point in buying and installing a wind turbine unless you have sufficient wind to power it. In order for a wind turbine to recover its costs, the wind speed must be at least 10 to 20 mph in your area. You can either carry out a survey yourself or look up the data held by the U.S. Department of Energy. You need to remember that on days the wind isn't blowing sufficiently, no electricity is produced.
- 3). Determine how much energy your home requires and what you are using currently. This will give you an accurate estimation of the size of turbine you will need. You can get this information from your energy company or by looking at your past bills. Once you know your power needs, you can decide if you are going to produce 100 percent of your own power, or just supplement what you purchase.
- 4). Consider extra costs. There may be additional requirements that may be needed other than the turbine. You might need a dedicated transformer, battery cells to hold power and more. Contact your energy provider to discover if your current system can handle the wind turbine.
- 5). Decide on the amount you wish to invest. By doing your sums based on the cost of the turbine and extras, along with the amount it will produce, you can work out how much it will cost to install and use. You may need to invest a few thousand dollars for a number of years before you make any money from your own power.