"One Life To Live" Fantasy Fiction - Script 32 (Part 1)

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(Flash to Llanview Hospital…Téa is worried that Victor won’t make it in time, and Blair is reassuring her that he will. Todd and Victor have just rushed into the hospital lobby and are having a bit of a struggle with a rude nurse who is deliberately ignoring them to talk on the phone.)

VICTOR: (becoming rapidly annoyed) “Excuse me, I’m looking for…”

NURSE: “…Just a moment, sir.”

(She turns her attention back to the phone call and Victor turns red.

Todd shakes his head in disgust, but doesn’t move.)

VICTOR: “Nurse, I’m looking for my wife. She’s in labor…”

NURSE: (curtly) “Sir, I said I’ll be right with you.”

(Todd walks over and yanks the receiver from her hand and slams it down on the cradle.)

NURSE: “I beg your pardon!”

(Todd ignores her outburst and turns to Victor.)

TODD: “You see, little brother? THAT’S how you get attention from a rude old lady in a chef’s hat. Now ask her again.”

VICTOR: “I’m looking for my wife, Téa Delgado. She’s in labor.”

(The nurse glares at a smug Todd before checking the computer. Victor grins when the nurse isn’t looking, then quickly goes serious when she looks back up at him. She noticed his grin and glares at him as well.)

NURSE: “Straight through those doors and to your left. Now get away from my station!”

VICTOR: “Gladly.”

(He rushes off in the direction the nurse gave.)

TODD: “Vic!”

VICTOR: (turning to face him) “What?”

TODD: “Congratulations and good luck to you all.”

VICTOR: “Thanks, man. I’ll tell Delgado you said that.”

(He races off and runs down the corridor.

He hears several other women in labor screaming, and finally he hears Blair. He races into the room and sees the doctors surrounding his wife while Blair, dressed in scrubs, is holding her hand. The nurse quickly hands him his own scrubs and he quickly puts them on.)

DOCTOR: “Ms. Delgado, your baby is crowning. I want you to get ready to push when I tell you to, okay?”

T?A: (tearfully) “NO! I want my husband!”

Blair: “Téa, Victor will be here, honey. And you have to push, you don’t have a choice.”

T?A: “I want Victor to be here.”

VICTOR: “Thank you, Blair, but she’s as stubborn as a mule, and I want our baby to be born healthy. Let’s go, Delgado, we got a baby to deliver.”

(Blair quickly switches places with him and slips outside the room. She stares at the backs of the medical staff and smiles tearfully as visions of Starr and Jack being born play back in her mind. From the window pane, Todd’s reflection appears, and we see Todd put a hand on her shoulder. She leans back into him smiling through her tears. Slowly, several other faces appear in the window pane. Viki, Clint, Dani, Nate, James, and Jessica.)

DOCTOR: “Come on, Ms. Delgado, push!” (Téa groans as she obeys the doctor.)

VICTOR: “Come on, baby. You’re doing great. One more for our baby.”

DOCTOR: “Take a deep breath, Ms. Delgado, and bear down one last time. Ready? One, two, three…push!”

(Téa groans and pushes. A few seconds later, the angry wail of their newborn baby fills the air. The doctor raises the mildly stained infant up for the proud parents to see.)

DOCTOR: “Congratulations, you have a beautiful baby girl.”

(Téa sobs with joy as she takes their now cleaned-up infant in her arms. Victor thinks back to the night he was shot and realizes he almost missed this moment. He sobs and kisses his wife and new daughter.)

VICTOR: “Thank you, Delgado. This is the best gift anyone could ever give to someone.” (To the baby) “And no one will ever hurt you, little angel. No one.”

(The camera flashes over to the window, where a mass of friends and family are watching the scene with tearful smiles. After a brief flash on each of their faces, the camera fades out. The camera opens back up on Cole Thornhart. He's sitting on the cot in the holding cell, grateful that he's alone. He hears footsteps approaching and he goes on alert. He's relieved to see John McBain entering.)

COLE: “What's up, Lieutenant McBain?”

John: “I came to tell you that Bo and I have to step out for a brief while. We're headed out to a judge to get a search warrant that will help us follow up on a lead.”

COLE: “You know where Brad is?”

John: “Not yet, but I still want you to keep your mouth shut to everyone except one person.”

COLE: “She's having a baby, lieutenant.”

John: “And I told you that I would take care of you. It just so happens that before I could start making any calls on your behalf, something better than anything I could ever do literally landed on the station's doorstep. Feel free to chat away.”

COLE: “Huh?”

(John smirks, then turns to look in the direction of the exit door.)

John: “You can come in now.”

(Cole tries to get a clear look at who John is talking to, and he grows more curious as he hears footsteps and sees a growing shadow approaching. He nearly faints when the shadow disappears and Patrick Thornhart is in its place. He smiles at his son, and Cole smiles back with tears.)

PATRICK: “Hello, my boy.”

COLE: (almost childishly through his tears) “Hi, Dad.”

(John directs the officer to open the door for Patrick. He steps into the cell and grabs his son into a tight hug, in which Cole breaks into sobs. Patrick looks back and John and silently says “Thank you.” John nods and turns to leave. John whispers something to the officer before rushing off.)

COLE: “I'm sorry, Dad. I know I screwed up again. You must be really disappointed in me.”

PATRICK: “I wouldn’t say disappointed. I’d say I’m more upset with the situation. I will say I’m not happy with your situation, nor am I pleased with the risks you took that landed you here.”

COLE: “I sense a ‘but’ coming.” (Patrick grins.)

PATRICK: “Indeed you do. I can’t say I can blame you, because you got your stubbornness straight from the Thornhart gene pool. And you most certainly are stricken with the Thornhart Love curse.”

COLE: “The what?’

PATRICK: “When Thornhart men find that special woman, they throw all logic and caution out of the window when she’s in any kind of harm. We’re natural risk-takers, but even more so when our hearts are involved. We tend to get very foolish.”

COLE: “That’s how I get when it comes to Starr and Hope.”

PATRICK: “Don’t get too happy yet, Cole. I said I understand where you got your stubbornness from, but I am not excusing your behavior by any means. In fact, I have a good mind to give you thirty lashes for being so incredibly stupid, boy. Your little girl is down one fully functional parent for the moment. It was YOUR job to keep her safe and comfort her. It was your job to hold down the fort so that Starr could come back to a stable environment, not have to watch your situation come to life on national television while she has tubes coming out of her body in a hospital bed. How well do you think loving her this way improves her condition? It takes more to being a man than flexing your muscles, Cole. I made so many of the wrong choices and sacrificed my family to the wolves too many times to allow you to do the same.”

(Cole looks down at the floor, feeling dejected. Patrick softens at the sight.)

PATRICK: “But first things first. I have a powerful attorney who will be stepping in for Ms. Delgado on your case. He should be here in a half-hour or so.”

COLE: “Are you leaving?”

PATRICK: “Not a chance. I’ve been gone long enough, don’t ya think?”

COLE: (smiling) “Yeah, I do.”

PATRICK: “While we wait, I have some family news to tell you.”

COLE: “What news?”

PATRICK: “You’re going to be a big brother in about three months.”

'One Life To Live' Fantasy Fiction – Script 32 – PART 2 > >
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