How To Attract Girls - Using 3 Effective Easy Steps
I know these days you may think that girls are far more outgoing.
That they will come up to you and chat you up.
This as we know is not really the case.
Women are not brought up the way we are.
They like us do not want to be rejected.
So understand that you are not alone when it comes to fear of rejection.
With that said they do give signals to help make us realize that they are attracted to us.
What we have to do is be aware of our surroundings and be open to opportunities.
What you need to understand is this.
If a girl gives you signal you need to take action.
Number one - Start by lifting your head up there is nothing more unattractive than somebody that cannot look you in the eye.
You need to make eye contact with her.
Look for the glance and see if you both make contact.
If she looks away and then looks back and smiles you are on the right track.
If she stares right back at you - you may not be doing too well Number two - To attract girls you need to be open.
Do not have a dead pan look with your arms folded tucked away in the corner of some room.
You need to exude confidence and that comes from being open to who you are, not trying to be something that you are not.
Remember we all have faults.
Believe it or believe it not we all have certain attractive qualities no matter what you think.
Also think of it this way.
What do you find attractive? Do you like somebody who looks generally grumpy around you or do you like someone who is themselves and has a laugh and gets into conversation? Number three - Girls really like eye to eye contact so rather have your eyes elsewhere look at her in the eyes.
This also shows that you are confident which again leads to you being attractive.
As I mentioned make yourself open and appealing by smiling and having some fun.
If you are worried it will show, but truthfully what have you to worry about.
Let's put things in perspective.
If she does not like you - she does not like you.
Is this really the end of the world? The most attractive trait you can have is openness and honesty.
Open yourself up to the world of opportunities and you may be surprised what happens.
Have you ever been in a position where you wished you knew what a girl is thinking? If You want to learn the tested psychological secrets of the female mind given to you by a woman because after all only a woman truly knows what a woman wants, then select one of the following links...
That they will come up to you and chat you up.
This as we know is not really the case.
Women are not brought up the way we are.
They like us do not want to be rejected.
So understand that you are not alone when it comes to fear of rejection.
With that said they do give signals to help make us realize that they are attracted to us.
What we have to do is be aware of our surroundings and be open to opportunities.
What you need to understand is this.
If a girl gives you signal you need to take action.
Number one - Start by lifting your head up there is nothing more unattractive than somebody that cannot look you in the eye.
You need to make eye contact with her.
Look for the glance and see if you both make contact.
If she looks away and then looks back and smiles you are on the right track.
If she stares right back at you - you may not be doing too well Number two - To attract girls you need to be open.
Do not have a dead pan look with your arms folded tucked away in the corner of some room.
You need to exude confidence and that comes from being open to who you are, not trying to be something that you are not.
Remember we all have faults.
Believe it or believe it not we all have certain attractive qualities no matter what you think.
Also think of it this way.
What do you find attractive? Do you like somebody who looks generally grumpy around you or do you like someone who is themselves and has a laugh and gets into conversation? Number three - Girls really like eye to eye contact so rather have your eyes elsewhere look at her in the eyes.
This also shows that you are confident which again leads to you being attractive.
As I mentioned make yourself open and appealing by smiling and having some fun.
If you are worried it will show, but truthfully what have you to worry about.
Let's put things in perspective.
If she does not like you - she does not like you.
Is this really the end of the world? The most attractive trait you can have is openness and honesty.
Open yourself up to the world of opportunities and you may be surprised what happens.
Have you ever been in a position where you wished you knew what a girl is thinking? If You want to learn the tested psychological secrets of the female mind given to you by a woman because after all only a woman truly knows what a woman wants, then select one of the following links...