Heart Disease Can Be Triggered By Oral Bacterium
Oral cavity is the first entrance point for any kind of bacterium in to the body and so its care is mandatory. Keeping your oral cavity clean by brushing your teeth regularly and washing hands before meal will minimize the risk of any harmful bacteria to enter in the body. But still we are surrounded by uncountable germs not visible to human eye that can make their way in our body any time. You should take good care of your home hygiene as well, do not let water to stand on the floor and avoid taking your shoes in the rooms of your home. Generally all germs types reproduce themselves and their location can be changed with the air.
Previously it was thought that oral diseases can only cause problem to our teeth, gum and throat. But now recent researches have shown that there are some oral bacteria that can cause serious problems for the health of a human body. Such a bacterium is called streptococcus tigurinus. This novel bacterium was before said to be a normal dweller of the oral cavity but now it is discovered by Dr Andrea Zbinden that this bacteria has the capability to cause serious diseases like heart problem and meningitis if it enters in to the blood stream. S. tigurinus before identified was first isolated from the blood of the patients suffering from diseases like endocarditis (the inflammation of the inside lining of the heart chambers), meningitis and spondylodiscitis (inflammation of the spine). It is seen that S.tigurinus is quite similar to the streptococcus in the mouth which creates colonies of it by reproduction.
Until now this bacterium was not actually identified that is causing problem in the inner heart chambers of the patients making it completely a heart disease. But now after identification still more research is required to know about this bacteria and its adverse effects. The reason for its entrance in the blood stream is may be the bleeding gum disease in some patients. Once it enters in the blood stream it reproduces in the same way and can cause inflammation in the inside lining of the heart chambers causing the spondylodiscitis disease. But there can be other forms of diseases that can be caused by streptococcus tigurinus which are needed to be identified by further research.
Generally most of the medical research is done in medical universities and institutions. New diseases and bacterium if discovered can be greatly rewarding for the researcher. Such researches can be conducted in prestigious institutions where all the facilities are available with the support of the department. New discoveries are on the run in the field of dentistry. Various medical institutions having school for dentistry are offering support for their students to do research. Many students have a dream to discover some thing new like Dr Andrea Zbinden to help the suffering people.
Many students also avail school of dental scholarships of numerous prominent medical universities to support their studies and research programs as well. It depends upon the academic record of the student to be eligible for the medical college scholarships. Students who want to pursue a rewarding career in the medical sciences should consider becoming a dentist and researcher in the respective field.
Previously it was thought that oral diseases can only cause problem to our teeth, gum and throat. But now recent researches have shown that there are some oral bacteria that can cause serious problems for the health of a human body. Such a bacterium is called streptococcus tigurinus. This novel bacterium was before said to be a normal dweller of the oral cavity but now it is discovered by Dr Andrea Zbinden that this bacteria has the capability to cause serious diseases like heart problem and meningitis if it enters in to the blood stream. S. tigurinus before identified was first isolated from the blood of the patients suffering from diseases like endocarditis (the inflammation of the inside lining of the heart chambers), meningitis and spondylodiscitis (inflammation of the spine). It is seen that S.tigurinus is quite similar to the streptococcus in the mouth which creates colonies of it by reproduction.
Until now this bacterium was not actually identified that is causing problem in the inner heart chambers of the patients making it completely a heart disease. But now after identification still more research is required to know about this bacteria and its adverse effects. The reason for its entrance in the blood stream is may be the bleeding gum disease in some patients. Once it enters in the blood stream it reproduces in the same way and can cause inflammation in the inside lining of the heart chambers causing the spondylodiscitis disease. But there can be other forms of diseases that can be caused by streptococcus tigurinus which are needed to be identified by further research.
Generally most of the medical research is done in medical universities and institutions. New diseases and bacterium if discovered can be greatly rewarding for the researcher. Such researches can be conducted in prestigious institutions where all the facilities are available with the support of the department. New discoveries are on the run in the field of dentistry. Various medical institutions having school for dentistry are offering support for their students to do research. Many students have a dream to discover some thing new like Dr Andrea Zbinden to help the suffering people.
Many students also avail school of dental scholarships of numerous prominent medical universities to support their studies and research programs as well. It depends upon the academic record of the student to be eligible for the medical college scholarships. Students who want to pursue a rewarding career in the medical sciences should consider becoming a dentist and researcher in the respective field.