Busting Weight Loss Hunger in 5 Easy Tips
You desperately want to lose weight, but somehow, your stomach's always rumbling.
And when it rumbles, you eat.
And eat.
And eat.
Guess what? You're not alone! It's the problem every conscientious dieter faces trying to lose weight.
And what's more, it's the one weight loss problem that's so easily solved.
You can feel full faster by eating less - if you use the following 5 diet tips I'm going to give you.
Hunger-Buster #1:Use a small plate.
Yes - it's that simple, but that effective.
We all remember Mom looking at our loaded plates and saying, "Eyes bigger than your tummy, honey.
" Well, a big plate that's got very little food on it looks empty - giving your eyes the impression that you haven't eaten enough.
That makes your next step inevitable...
nibble, nibble, nibble all evening.
But with a smaller plate, that same size potion fills it nicely, and voila! You've tricked your eyes (and your stomach) into thinking you've eaten enough.
Which really you have.
Hunger-Buster #2: Start with soup.
It's a delicious, low calorie, but most importantly, filling way to stat your meal.
There's only that much room in your stomach, and soup takes care of an awful lot of it.
In plain English, this means (and research has this proven) that you'll eat a smaller meal and less cals throughout the day.
Hunger-Buster #3:Chew.
Yeah, God gave you teeth.
Use them.
No more of that gulp-chomp-swallow cycle.
Eat slowly, chew thoroughly and savor each bite.
It takes 20 minutes to digest your food and feel full, so if you've overeaten in the first five and then you continue solidly for the next fifteen minutes...
Well, let's not go into details.
Hunger-Buster #4: Fill up on veggies.
With their high fiber and water content, they fill you up fast without showing on your waistline.
I personally enjoy starting supper with 1/2 a grapefruit - it makes me full enough to eat only half of what I usually do.
And that's besides for it's natural weight loss enhancers.
Hunger-Buster #5:Buy "small".
Studies show that people eat an awful lot more when the package in front of them is bigger.
So buy small, measure your portions, and don't eat from the serving bowl.
(Don't worry.
I didn't really think you did...
) Like I said, losing weight without feeling those constant hunger pangs is easy.
It's manageable.
And, hey! It actually works! For lots more helpful information, inspiration, tips and advice about weight loss from Lizy Hall - and to download your free copy of the report: "The Hidden Secrets of Weight Loss - Uncovered" (facts that most people do NOT know) visit: stayfitforever.
And when it rumbles, you eat.
And eat.
And eat.
Guess what? You're not alone! It's the problem every conscientious dieter faces trying to lose weight.
And what's more, it's the one weight loss problem that's so easily solved.
You can feel full faster by eating less - if you use the following 5 diet tips I'm going to give you.
Hunger-Buster #1:Use a small plate.
Yes - it's that simple, but that effective.
We all remember Mom looking at our loaded plates and saying, "Eyes bigger than your tummy, honey.
" Well, a big plate that's got very little food on it looks empty - giving your eyes the impression that you haven't eaten enough.
That makes your next step inevitable...
nibble, nibble, nibble all evening.
But with a smaller plate, that same size potion fills it nicely, and voila! You've tricked your eyes (and your stomach) into thinking you've eaten enough.
Which really you have.
Hunger-Buster #2: Start with soup.
It's a delicious, low calorie, but most importantly, filling way to stat your meal.
There's only that much room in your stomach, and soup takes care of an awful lot of it.
In plain English, this means (and research has this proven) that you'll eat a smaller meal and less cals throughout the day.
Hunger-Buster #3:Chew.
Yeah, God gave you teeth.
Use them.
No more of that gulp-chomp-swallow cycle.
Eat slowly, chew thoroughly and savor each bite.
It takes 20 minutes to digest your food and feel full, so if you've overeaten in the first five and then you continue solidly for the next fifteen minutes...
Well, let's not go into details.
Hunger-Buster #4: Fill up on veggies.
With their high fiber and water content, they fill you up fast without showing on your waistline.
I personally enjoy starting supper with 1/2 a grapefruit - it makes me full enough to eat only half of what I usually do.
And that's besides for it's natural weight loss enhancers.
Hunger-Buster #5:Buy "small".
Studies show that people eat an awful lot more when the package in front of them is bigger.
So buy small, measure your portions, and don't eat from the serving bowl.
(Don't worry.
I didn't really think you did...
) Like I said, losing weight without feeling those constant hunger pangs is easy.
It's manageable.
And, hey! It actually works! For lots more helpful information, inspiration, tips and advice about weight loss from Lizy Hall - and to download your free copy of the report: "The Hidden Secrets of Weight Loss - Uncovered" (facts that most people do NOT know) visit: stayfitforever.