Answering the Question of "What Can I Eat to Get My Penis Bigger?"
The short answer to the question "what can I eat to get my penis bigger?" is: it depends.
And here's why: foods on their own will have little or no effect on your penis size unless it is combined with a penis enlargement exercise routine.
It works the same as weight loss.
There are no "magic foods" that give you instant weight loss but when combined with an exercise routine - weight loss becomes possible.
The same works for penis enlargement - there are foods that you can eat that enhances your penis exercise efforts to give you a bigger and thicker penis over time.
The main food groups that can benefit your penis enlargement efforts are: fresh fruit, raw vegetables, lean meats (in particularly fish) and whole grain foods (bread, cereal, rice).
These food groups improve stamina and when consumed in tandem with penis enlargement exercises it will give you longer and stronger erections and maintain good blood circulation to your penis chamber for a more erect and bigger penis.
Just as there foods that can have a positive effect on your penis size, there are foods that can have a negative impact on your penis size: Processed Foods - these come in packed with sugar, E numbers and high levels of salt.
They can contaminate your body and blood flow and have a negative impact on your erections and sexual drive.
Replace these foods as often as you can with fresh food - packed with vegetables, protein and wholegrain.
Smoking & Alcohol - these are often consumed in tandem.
If you are proactive about getting a bigger penis - you'll need to either quit these or reduce consumption.
Research shows that smoking and large volumes of alcohol can reduce sex drive, decreases penis size - due to the it's ability to redirect the blood flow away from your penis chamber amongst other serious health problems.
Based on research done on penis enhancement methods the answer to your question "What Can I Eat to Get My Penis Bigger?" - is that there are no special foods that will magically increase the size of your penis but when combined with a penis exercise routine it can a) give you healthier body and improve blood circulation and b) give you stamina and c) give you better and long lasting erections resulting in natural penis enlargement.