Racing Tips: Increase Your Chances of Winning
Have you been playing the so called horse racing game for years and haven't even come close to winning? If you are, then maybe it's time for you to stop betting on horses with low chances and change your strategy.
Maybe you can try and study the horses and their riders, see their history together as a team and start analysing each and every game until you can pick your team.
Novices in this type of game usually suffer more from a streak of losing games than anyone else.
The main reason is that novices often lack knowledge in the dos and don'ts of horse racing which is why this article is focused solely in making your chances in winning increase.
Here are only some of the racing tips that you might find very helpful before going to the arena.
If you want to choose the best racer in the arena, then you must first look at the horse and the jockey.
Look into the racing form of the horse.
Does he look healthy and young? Does he look like he can compete with other horses? Does he have an ailment or does he get distracted easily in the race? Another thing that you need to look at is the jockey.
Check if he has the right paraphernalia whenever he enters the race.
You might also want to look into their previous performances.
You will want to check their last three performances as it could determine their chances in winning the competition.
You can easily eliminate a good number of horses as you look into the horse, the jockey, and their previous performances.
Looking into the horse and the jockey's previous performances also means checking their speed figures.
You can easily determine the team that you're going to opt for by checking the time they finish a lap.
You can compare the speed figures in their last three performances.
See if they have been constantly increasing or slowing down in speed.
Looking at the horse's endurance is also very important.
If you notice that they can finish one lap faster than any others but continue to slow down as the race continues, it could help determine their chances of reaching the first place.
Lastly, you need to consider the track where the team is going to compete.
Notice that some horses actually perform better in the grass than they would in dirt.
Consider these racing tips and you are sure to win the game.
Horse betting cannot be won only with luck.
You need to do proper research before trying out your chances.
You need to know the jockey, the horse, and track.
It's also important to check their previous performance.
Win the game by doing proper research and not by luck.
Maybe you can try and study the horses and their riders, see their history together as a team and start analysing each and every game until you can pick your team.
Novices in this type of game usually suffer more from a streak of losing games than anyone else.
The main reason is that novices often lack knowledge in the dos and don'ts of horse racing which is why this article is focused solely in making your chances in winning increase.
Here are only some of the racing tips that you might find very helpful before going to the arena.
If you want to choose the best racer in the arena, then you must first look at the horse and the jockey.
Look into the racing form of the horse.
Does he look healthy and young? Does he look like he can compete with other horses? Does he have an ailment or does he get distracted easily in the race? Another thing that you need to look at is the jockey.
Check if he has the right paraphernalia whenever he enters the race.
You might also want to look into their previous performances.
You will want to check their last three performances as it could determine their chances in winning the competition.
You can easily eliminate a good number of horses as you look into the horse, the jockey, and their previous performances.
Looking into the horse and the jockey's previous performances also means checking their speed figures.
You can easily determine the team that you're going to opt for by checking the time they finish a lap.
You can compare the speed figures in their last three performances.
See if they have been constantly increasing or slowing down in speed.
Looking at the horse's endurance is also very important.
If you notice that they can finish one lap faster than any others but continue to slow down as the race continues, it could help determine their chances of reaching the first place.
Lastly, you need to consider the track where the team is going to compete.
Notice that some horses actually perform better in the grass than they would in dirt.
Consider these racing tips and you are sure to win the game.
Horse betting cannot be won only with luck.
You need to do proper research before trying out your chances.
You need to know the jockey, the horse, and track.
It's also important to check their previous performance.
Win the game by doing proper research and not by luck.