Martial Arts Goals - Look At Long Term and Short Term Goals To Master Your Skills
When you start for the first time at your martial arts school it is important to have goals in mind.
It can be anything from progressing to the test of your next belt or mastering a certain combat skill.
What you need to do is to break it all down.
In a nutshell you need to have your short-term goals and your long-term goals.
If you have just started a martial arts group and are not very fit, then you could say making it through the class at all is a goal.
This would be a short-term goal, this may sound small to many but to the person who has just barley stuck through their first lesson, this is a milestone and will give them the confidence and passion to make other goals, short-term and long-term.
You can have more than one goal at any one time, but you do need to decide early on what they consist of.
Having a mix between short and long-term goals works best.
One of the many common goals in martial arts is to obtain their black belt, but you are not going to earn your black belt in the next twelve months.
You need to create series of steps of how you are going to get there.
Your goals o need to be difficult to achieve, this will give you the grit and determination to get there.
I always think it is a great idea to share your goals with others, share them with your instructor and fellow students.
Share them with your loved ones and even put a list of them on the fridge if it helps.
Your instructor and fellow senior students can help you plan more effectively how you will reach your goals; after all they have the experience and know the path to lead you there as they have done it themselves.
It is human nature that we are flattered when we ask another for advice, so do not be shy in consulting colleagues at the martial arts school.
You do need to be open-minded, just because some students have been their longer than you doesn't mean that they are right and you are wrong.
A lot of martial arts schools actively promote you to have goals and get you to work as a team to achieve them.
This kind of teaching to me is great as it all gives you a sense that you are part of a team rather than being out of reach.
It can be anything from progressing to the test of your next belt or mastering a certain combat skill.
What you need to do is to break it all down.
In a nutshell you need to have your short-term goals and your long-term goals.
If you have just started a martial arts group and are not very fit, then you could say making it through the class at all is a goal.
This would be a short-term goal, this may sound small to many but to the person who has just barley stuck through their first lesson, this is a milestone and will give them the confidence and passion to make other goals, short-term and long-term.
You can have more than one goal at any one time, but you do need to decide early on what they consist of.
Having a mix between short and long-term goals works best.
One of the many common goals in martial arts is to obtain their black belt, but you are not going to earn your black belt in the next twelve months.
You need to create series of steps of how you are going to get there.
Your goals o need to be difficult to achieve, this will give you the grit and determination to get there.
I always think it is a great idea to share your goals with others, share them with your instructor and fellow students.
Share them with your loved ones and even put a list of them on the fridge if it helps.
Your instructor and fellow senior students can help you plan more effectively how you will reach your goals; after all they have the experience and know the path to lead you there as they have done it themselves.
It is human nature that we are flattered when we ask another for advice, so do not be shy in consulting colleagues at the martial arts school.
You do need to be open-minded, just because some students have been their longer than you doesn't mean that they are right and you are wrong.
A lot of martial arts schools actively promote you to have goals and get you to work as a team to achieve them.
This kind of teaching to me is great as it all gives you a sense that you are part of a team rather than being out of reach.