Linux Memory Processes
- Various Linux commands allow you to manage process memory. The "top" command displays a list of running tasks and various details about each. The "vmstat" command displays summary information in columns. The "free" column displays the amount of free memory. The "buff" column the amount of buffered memory, and the "cache" column the amount of cached information in memory. The "free" command displays a summarized table with columns that display information about total memory, used memory and free memory.
- The "ps" command displays a list of running processes on your computer. Although similar to the output of the "top" command, you can choose the type of information included. For example, entering "ps aux" displays a list of all running processes for all users on the system.
- The "ps" command also displays the process identifier (PID) for processes. Once you obtain the PID, you can close the processes using their corresponding interfaces or using the command line by typing "kill <pid>."
Linux Memory Commands
Process Command
Process Identifier