Windows Registry Cleaning Instructions
- Registry cleaners can be downloaded from the Internet as stand-alone freeware products and will perform quickly and efficiently. There are several cleaners that do a good job. Some software packages also clean out the Registry after removing programs that are no longer used or wanted. Before a Registry cleaner can be used, the file system needs to be cleaned of unnecessary files, which are usually left over in the Temp directory after a major program has been installed. Next, any running programs need to be ended, and the Registry cleaner needs to be the last program run before a restart of the system.
- Registry cleaners aim to clean out duplicate information, information that is no longer relevant and copious lists of things that Windows keeps, like the top 10 pictures you have looked at or the most frequently accessed documents. After a while, this ends being a problem when it removes the efficiency of the computer because it clogs up its functionality. A very large proportion of Windows errors are directly related to the Windows Registry, for example a computer that won't start because of a corrupted Registry and can be cured by a Registry fix. Much of the time these errors would not occur if the Registry had been regularly cleaned out since, like the file system, it is subject to fragmentation.
- Start by removing temporary files. Download a free "cleaner" program like CCleaner. Install the program and run it. You will find that there is a section for removing temporary files at the top. It can clear out your Registry, too, but the Auslogics program does a better job. So, having cleaned out the temporary files, download the Auslogics Registry cleaner and run it. This has to be done last because nothing should be running when it is doing its work. Also, it ends with a reboot of the computer. When the computer comes back up, you will see a screen showing how much the Registry has been reduced by. Remember, if the Windows Registry gets too large, it can cause a problem and Windows may not boot at all.
How to Get a Registry Cleaner
What Registry Cleaners Do
Clean Your Registry