Debt Settlement - Will a Debt Management Program Hurt Your Credit Score?
We don't know exactly on what variables these credit rating agencies measure our ability to repay credit.
By credit rating it simply means the borrower's ability to repay credit at the pre specified time.
Those with high scores are sure to get easy loans from any banks across the country.
These high credit scores are a result of timely payment of debt and interest by the borrower.
A person who does not default in his debt payment is sure to get high credit scores.
The debt be of any kind, if there is a default in payment of these debts or their interest accrued then the borrower's credit rating is sure to get affected.
When our debts or liabilities get accumulated we find it very hard to manage our commitments.
So we may go in for any type of debt settlement programmes.
This arrangement is sure to affect our credit score in a very large deal.
Simply debt settlement programmes means, rearranging your debts in such a way so as to make the re payment of debts more suitable to us.
It is done by increasing the loan period and reducing the installment money that you were required to pay for every month.
Even if we are functioning within the legal framework, these debt settlement programmes will impact our credit score.
We are actually letting the bank know of our disability to service the debts that we have raised from them.
So on the basis of these information credit rating agencies will definitely degrade our credit score.
The overwhelming liabilities due to the large scale use of instruments like credit cards would land us in a situation where debt consolidation, debt settlement, debt management or bankruptcy is the last resort.
Selecting any of these options is sure to affect your credit score.
If you are going in for bankruptcy then not only credit score would be damaged but also your chances of raising any future loans.
Bankruptcy can actually help you in a short term but would land you into more troubles in the days to come.
Debt settlement programmes are sure to have an impact on your credit score and this must be kept in mind before you select any option to eliminate card debts.