Get Rid of All Tough and Stubborn Stains
Have you ever thrown your favorite dress in dustbin because it has somehow got stains of rust due to your carelessness? Are you still cursing your colleague who had accidentally spilled coffee on your most expensive shirt? Surely your children come home from school every day with ink stains on their school dress and who does not know how impossible it is to remove the stains of curry from a table cloth? Stains, Stains and more Stains! Washing clothes everyday is not that tough but removing a single stubborn stain definitely is. If you too are throwing your clothes into dustbin for these stains or are struggling every day to get clean stainless clothes after wash, here are some simple tips for you.
Tea and coffee- These kinds of stains become stubborn after they get dry. The best thing you can do is to wash the cloth immediately or at least wipe the stained part with a wet cloth if you are not in position to remove it. You can also sprinkle some loose talcum powder on the wet stain. The powder will absorb most of the liquid and you can wash the stain with hot water later. For dry tea or coffee stains, you need to dip the cloth in glycerin till the stain is removed.
Rust- Rust stain is one of the most stubborn kinds of stain. If you leave your cloth with a rusting thing for some time your cloth can get such stains. That thing could be some metal button, some clip, pin etc. To get rid of such stains, squeeze lemon on the stain and then by adding salt make a paste over the stain. Keep it in sun for some time and then wash it with detergent soap. And surprise, the stain is gone. Buy videos to understand the right procedure to remove these kinds of stains, if you are still not sure about it.
Ink- The fresh stains of ink can easily be removed with tomato. You need to cut a tomato in two and rub the half of it over the stain till it gets completely removed. Or soak the cloth in butter milk or in curd for half an hour and then wash it with soap and water. For the ball point pen stains, methyl sprits are the best option.
Lipstick- So many time when we are in rush we wipe our lipstick with cloths and when we came back home we realize, that was one of our useful cloths or some dress. If it is a habit of yours, do not worry, there are solutions for this problem as well. Soak the stained cloth in glycerin for one hour and wash it. Voila, stain is gone.
Varnish - Varnish stains are some of the hardest ones, but you can remove them with the help of alcohol. Buy content to find out more options you have to remove these kinds of tough stains.
Blood stains- If the blood stains are dry, soak the cloth in the cold water with salt in it, till the stains are gone. If the stain is really old make paste of starch and spread it over the stain. Let it dry and then soak the cloth in water. Now try to remove the stain with brush and you will see how easily it will get removed.
Curry - If the cloth on which you have got the curry stains is white, best option is - go for bleach. Soak the cloth in the mixture of bleach and water, and wash it. You can also try paste of baking power on the stain.