Beat Baldness in 3 Simple Steps
The comb-over is not necessarily a given - but a man must make a resolute effort to manage the condition.
Here are three simple steps to take charge of your hair and keep it in tact.
Check Your Hair Many men like the fact that they can be up and out the house in five minutes and complain that women spend too much time primping and preening.
But actually, the first thing a man must do to avoid going bald is take the time to check himself regularly in the mirror.
Pull the frontal hairline back to see if it appears to be receding and look at the crown area and check for thinning hair or more scalp showing.
It is normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day, but keep an eye on how much comes out on the pillow, in the shower and on your comb.
Knowing what is normal means that you will spot any changes early.
See a Specialist As soon as you notice any changes, you should consult with a specialist.
They will give you a diagnosis of the condition.
While hair loss in men is usually genetic, it can be a symptom of an underlying health condition so it is important to get an accurate diagnosis.
Whatever the cause is, a reputable hair specialist will discuss matters in detail and explain how to best manage the condition and, if the diagnosis is Male Pattern Baldness, will advise on treatments.
Consider Hair Loss Treatments There are many products that claim to cure male hair loss, but the best way to maintain your hair and ensure optimum re-growth is to use an individualised treatment programme.
There are only two products which have shown sufficient evidence in large scale clinical trials to be effective in treating Male Pattern Baldness.
As a result of these studies, Propecia and Minoxidil have been licensed by the MHRA and approved by the FDA for the treatment of hair loss in the UK and the USA respectively.
They way in which they are prepared though can have a significant impact on their effectiveness.
Minoxidil can be prepared in different strengths and made with added booster products to increase its efficiency.
A good specialist be able to prescribe you a hair loss treatment programme that is best suited to your stage of hair loss and therefore most likely to bring about the results you want to see.
There is a lot of marketing hype out there about the hair loss industry but a man following these three simple steps is giving himself the best shot at beating baldness.