The Nokia E7 - Enjoy Full Touch Screen Display and Full QWERTY
Today is the world of full touch screen mobile phones.
A lot of people are also not into full touch screen mobile phones.
The good news is that, you can have both worlds in the new Nokia E7.
Not only do you get the best full touch screen AMOLED display, you can also use its Full QWERTY keyboard for fast typing.
Yes, the new Nokia E7 will allow you to choose between its AMOLED full touch screen and its full QWERTY keyboard.
It all depends on you, whether you want to do some quick touch here and there, or you want to experience its full QWERTY keyboard.
This mobile phone will allow you to enjoy its full touch screen feature with its 4 inch screen size.
It comes with AMOLED (real glass) and Clear Black display technology.
Things will be bigger and easier to operate with its big full screen.
The phone's screen resolution is at 360 by 640, and its screen color depth is at 24 bit.
Things are a lot clearer and bigger with this mobile phone.
In short, everything is crystal clear when you use the Nokia E7.
You can also choose to use its pinch-to-zoom or its flick to scroll option when you visit any web page, or when you operate the handset.
If you feel like using your fingers more, then all you have to do is to tilt the phone.
By doing so, you will then reveal a full-QWERTY keyboard that sits at a perfect natural angle for a more pleasurable viewing.
This will enable you to type faster as opposed to using the touch screen option of the phone.
Whatever option you choose, you will definitely enjoy using the Nokia E7.
Whether you simply want to use it casually by simply touching it lightly, or whether you want to reveal its full-QWERTY keyboard for a speedy typing option.
So if you want to enjoy both worlds, then you better choose the new Nokia E7.
You will not be disappointed with this stylish looking mobile phone from Nokia, as you will definitely enjoy both its full touch screen and full-QWERTY anytime of the day.
A lot of people are also not into full touch screen mobile phones.
The good news is that, you can have both worlds in the new Nokia E7.
Not only do you get the best full touch screen AMOLED display, you can also use its Full QWERTY keyboard for fast typing.
Yes, the new Nokia E7 will allow you to choose between its AMOLED full touch screen and its full QWERTY keyboard.
It all depends on you, whether you want to do some quick touch here and there, or you want to experience its full QWERTY keyboard.
This mobile phone will allow you to enjoy its full touch screen feature with its 4 inch screen size.
It comes with AMOLED (real glass) and Clear Black display technology.
Things will be bigger and easier to operate with its big full screen.
The phone's screen resolution is at 360 by 640, and its screen color depth is at 24 bit.
Things are a lot clearer and bigger with this mobile phone.
In short, everything is crystal clear when you use the Nokia E7.
You can also choose to use its pinch-to-zoom or its flick to scroll option when you visit any web page, or when you operate the handset.
If you feel like using your fingers more, then all you have to do is to tilt the phone.
By doing so, you will then reveal a full-QWERTY keyboard that sits at a perfect natural angle for a more pleasurable viewing.
This will enable you to type faster as opposed to using the touch screen option of the phone.
Whatever option you choose, you will definitely enjoy using the Nokia E7.
Whether you simply want to use it casually by simply touching it lightly, or whether you want to reveal its full-QWERTY keyboard for a speedy typing option.
So if you want to enjoy both worlds, then you better choose the new Nokia E7.
You will not be disappointed with this stylish looking mobile phone from Nokia, as you will definitely enjoy both its full touch screen and full-QWERTY anytime of the day.