Are Greedy Executives Making the Case For Small Home Based Businesses?

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I just had to read it again! The newspaper was a day old, and it was only a digest from the New York Times but it was no less mind-boggling.
Greedy executives at the former Merrill Lynch Brokerage firm in New York state, paid themselves 3.
6 Billion dollars as early bonus in December, 2008, in spite of the fact that their firm lost 27 billion dollars for the same financial year.
Additionally, this money was paid only to about 700 of the firms 38,000 employees.
So each person got an average of $5.
1 Million on top of the money lost, not the profit! Can you see a case here for the expansion of small home based businesses among the working class? This piece of news had my head spinning in amazement! I have been writing online for years, and have taken some steps to create and nurture my own small home based business for this very reason and more.
It is quite clear, that many of us cannot depend on the goodwill of corporations today to protect our financial interest when the chips are down.
This is especially true if you are not a high-powered executive.
I have only one more thing to say about the Merrill Lynch debacle.
These executives should be forced to pay back the money, and be sent to jail for fraud.
Enough said.
The fact that corporations are run by people will always be a blessing and a curse.
Top executives are subjected to all the less-than-desirable human vices that we see on display in the nightly news, except it is on a grander scale.
Many executives are greedy, selfish, dishonest, and loyal only to themselves.
The more power they have, the more evident and far-reaching their vices become.
If you are an employee who has never considered starting your own small home based business, you are truly burying your head in the sand.
Your denial will not change the world around you so it is time to wake up.
Starting a home based business is not like taking a trip to the moon, so it is not rocket science.
Some folks react to this suggestion as if it is a major hurdle they could never accomplish in this lifetime.
In fact, it usually takes redundancy or a sudden dismissal to even get some people to consider the possibility of their own businesses It is really not that difficult.
The availability of the Internet means that you can in fact use this tool as your foundation in any type of business you may consider starting.
Just about anything you want to buy, is accessible through the Internet even if the physical product must be delivered by hand.
The popularity of websites like Craig's list and Angie's list for example, means that you can sell products right out of your home, or hire people to work in your home without ever leaving your pad.
he reach of major online advertising firms like Google, Yahoo Search Marketing, Face Book, and MSN have made it much easier to the find products or services you may need.
Additionally, they also make it easier to find huge markets for anything you want to sell.
You can literally set up a campaign on some of these networks and start selling real products or services online in only a matter of hours.
These could products you never made, have never seen, will never have to deliver yourself, and yet your commission can be upwards of 50%.
Customer feedback is almost always instant, so you can adjust, bolster, or terminate a marketing campaign in just hours after launch.
But marketing online is not the only type of small home based business you can start to protect your income, and give yourself some peace of mind.
You can also start off-line businesses that are still home based, but never require use of the Internet.
People do that all the time.
The fact is we all must share the24 hours in any given day with many competing obligations, such as your job, family, social and community responsibilities, and still find time to start or run a small business.
One of the advantages of an Internet-based business is that you can do your work late at night when everybody else is sleeping.
Some of my best articles are written in the wee hours of the morning.
Finding a way to make your new business work is going to be your challenge, but why not accept this challenge? The alternative may be to leave your financial future to the Enron's and the Merrill Lynches of this world.
At the end of the day, you may not just be losing your job, but you could be saying goodbye to your pension and other investments as well.
If you have been naive enough to leave all of your financial assets in the hands of a single entity or even one greedy executive, you could be in big trouble.
You, however, have the power to change that now and I humbly suggest that you use it.
I would like to suggest also, that you take some time to begin researching different types of small home based businesses that may be fairly easy to start.
Many of these types of business require less than US$100.
00 to start, so no bank loan is necessary.
Ongoing expenses for many small home based businesses are less than US$200.
00 a month, but can potentially earn you up to US$5,000 a month and even more.
Let me be very clear about this one thing though.
Your new business does not have to be a networking type of business.
This business model can put a major strain on your relationships with family and friends if you start hounding them to join your business.
Many of us have been there, done that, and hated it.
There are so many other options available.
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