How to Improve Fertility Naturally Through What You Drink

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Most of us know about the link between what we eat and our ability to get pregnant, but do you know how to improve fertility naturally through what you are drinking? Staying well-hydrated is important for overall good health and is, in fact, very important for fertility.
There is often conflicting advice about whether you should drink tea and coffee.
What about alcohol? Just how much water should you drink? Just think about how much we use face creams, hand creams and lip salves to keep our skin hydrated.
However, most of us give scant regard to the body's most important moisturizers-the fluids that we drink.
Over half of our bodies are made up of liquid.
It is this liquid which gives our body cells shape and which bathes and cushions the vital organs.
It forms the supply route for nutrients and the waste disposal system.
So important is fluid to our bodies that a whole system of hormones, our skin, nasal passages and kidneys all work together to keep the chemical composition in balance.
We take in fluids in many forms-not only in the obvious drinks which we have, but in soups, fruits, vegetables and salads.
Some sources are better than others.
If you would like to know how to improve fertility naturally, then take a look at what you drink.
Tea and coffee in moderation will not harm you, although you may choose to give coffee a miss during pregnancy as some minor studies have shown a risk between excessive consumption and miscarriage.
Alcohol is a no-no.
Although some studies show that a drink or two a day will not affect your ability to get pregnancy, there is anecdotal evidence to show that some couples with "unexplained fertility" manage to conceive after becoming teetotal.
One shocking study showed that women who drank two or more sodas a day were 50% more likely to experience ovulatory infertility.
Removal of the caffeine element had no difference, but it is thought to be the high sugar element in these drinks which cause blood sugar to spike.
If you must drink soda, then sugar-free versions appear to be better, but best avoid them altogether.
Overall, if you are wanting to know how to improve fertility naturally, you should ensure that you drink a minimum of 2 liters of fluids each day, from "good" sources.
A glass of milk each day, plus some filtered water are the best options, along with a cup or two of weak tea and diluted fruit juices.
As previously mentioned, your foods can contribute to fluid intake, but perhaps best see these as a bonus as they are difficult to measure, and concentrate on ensuring that you get your 2 liters from liquid sources.
Of course, in all this do not forget your partner! It is important that he also concentrates on a healthy fluid intake to ensure the health and motility of his sperm, so following the guidelines above will be beneficial for him too!
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