Reflections by Jill - A Weekly Commentary for OLTL for January 19, 2009
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Cole tried to deny it and Starr said what I was thinking when she reminded him how bad it was when he was taking steroids. Cole couldn’t deny what he was doing for long and Starr wouldn’t let him off the hook. She refused to let him go down that path and reached right into his pocket to find the pills. Of course Cole got defensive and kept saying he needed something to take the edge off. To make things even worse, a teacher came up to them arguing in the hall demanded to see what was in Starr’s hand.
She showed her the pills and claimed they were hers. Cole is lucky to have someone like Starr who loves him so much and cares about what happens to him. I hope he doesn’t get too far out of hand.
And I just want to say that it never ceases to amaze me when I see what a wonderful young woman Starr has become and how in spite of the fact that she has a psychopath for a father and a sometimes self-absorbed mother, she is such a wise and compassionate person. She is in the worst pain over the death of her baby and yet she has a big enough heart to stop Cole from going after Mr. Jopin and making him feel worse than he already does after his mother’s death. I was so moved when in spite of her own pain, she could empathize with Mr. Joplin and told Cole, “People makes mistakes and nobody’s pain is worse than anyone else’s.”
Well, as usual, it didn’t take Viki long to show up at Todd’s house. Todd doesn’t know why she’s there and of course she tells him she’s there because he tried to kill himself.
As usual, Todd keeps saying that he has nothing to live for because he lost Marty and she made him a different man. Yada, yada Todd. Viki had one thing right when she told him that he bends reality to fit his own warped prospective. Truer words were never spoken. Todd doesn’t believe that he has any reason to live and Viki reminds him that there was a time when his love for Starr turned him around. Viki leaves him with that idea to think about and tells him that she would miss him if he were really gone. Well, that makes one of us Viki.
After thinking about what Viki said, Todd tries to call Starr but she doesn’t answer the phone so he shows up at baby Hope’s grave and doesn’t know that Starr is looking on from behind him. Todd tells Hope that he’s sorry she’s there and that the reason she is there is because he killed her. He says that he doesn’t want to live but God won’t let him die. What really bugs me is that I sit and watch Todd cry over the state of his life, doing his “poor me” routine, but he never once just comes out and says that he knows that what he’s done is horrible and that he is going to get help because he wants to change. He can’t be anything but poor Todd who everyone hates and who doesn’t deserve to live. I’m sick of him. Starr finally lets Todd know she’s there and although he promises to win back her trust and love, she desperately wants to believe him, but right now she just can’t do it.
Now we’re starting to see glimpses of the old Blair again. It didn’t take her long to get sick of being the mature woman who could understand what John was going through and be supportive of him. She kept telling him that she understood and their relationship was what it was, but now she’s not satisfied with what John can give her and she’s not happy about him devoting any time to Marty and Cole. Now there’s the old Blair that I often want to smack. I think John is a lot smarter than Blair gives him credit for. Blair confronted him and he went on the defensive. Who could blame him? John knew that Blair had gone to see Todd and partially used the excuse that it was for her kids. John is not that dumb. He knows that Blair sees that Marty has John’s attention as well as Todd’s and she can’t stand it. John gets justifiably mad right back at Blair and tells her that she’s mad because she can’t get the bastard (Todd) out of her head. It was a good week for truths all around, but it’s too bad the people being told off don’t want to see the truth.
John is only trying to do the right thing. He sees Marty heading down a destructive road and wants to help her, not to mention that he feels responsible for Cole. Then John has to find out that his bartender at Rodi’s is none other than Wes, who has let Marty crash at his apartment right down the hall from John’s.
And what secret is Wes hiding? Brody is starting to figure out what happened when he supposedly shot that boy in Iraq. Brody is still seeing visions of the boy, but now the boy is telling him “it’s a lie.” Did Brody actually shoot that boy? Was it his bullet that killed the boy or was Wes the one who really shot him? Brody can’t get over the conflict in his mind over whether or not the boy was armed. At first I thought Wes might be the one who shot the boy, but now I don’t know. Wes finally admits to Brody that the boy was not armed. Is that true? Does Wes know more?
I have to say that I loved the scenes between Rex, Gigi and Shane, not to mention the ones later on at Rodi’s with Michael and Marcie. I thought it was a riot when Shane came home from school and found Gigi and Rex naked behind the couch. Wow, that sure comes under the heading of too much information. Poor Rex; he was thrown into daddy mode when Gigi decided to leave him alone with Shane to have the father/son sex talk. Like all kids these days, Shane probably knew more than Rex, but it was a great time for them to bond together and Shane agreed that he would come to Rex whenever he wanted to talk about anything. But I died laughing when they were at Rodi’s later on and Shane wanted to question Michael since he is a doctor. I think Shane new exactly what he was doing when he asked Michael about a particular female body part. This kid knows how to be funny and got just the reaction he expected when Marci spit her beer across the table. I was really disappointed that we didn’t get to hear Michael give Shane a lesson in anatomy.