How to Calculate Retirement Points
- 1). Start with 15 points for every year you were on reserve status. These are given solely for being a reservist.
- 2). Add up every drill you attended or training assembly you took part in; each of these are worth one point. This means you generally get two points per day for your weekend drills as a reservist, and each weekend is worth four or five points, depending on whether it started on Friday night or Saturday morning.
- 3). Add one point for every military funeral honor you participated in.
- 4). Add one point for every day you spent on active duty as a recalled reservist.
- 5). Add one point for every three credit hours you complete in an accredited correspondence course.
- 6). Disregard every year that you earned less than 50 points.
- 7). Multiply your points by your rank multiplier. For a first lieutenant, this is .304 as of July 2010, so if someone retires at this rank with 50 points then he will receive $304 per month.