How to Improve at Spatial Relations on IQ Tests
- Time yourself putting together puzzles. An IQ test measures spatial skills not only in terms of skill, but also in regards to speed and efficiency. Working on your speed of solving puzzles will help maximize this element of spatial relations.
- Build complex 3-D puzzles and models as a way to improve your overall visual spatial skills. A good IQ test measures not only your two-dimensional drawing, copying and pattern completion abilities, but also your ability to quickly and correctly construct complex 3-D designs.
- Sorting complex items into visual categories is key to showing strong visual spatial skills on an IQ test. Practice noticing similarities and patterns among items, designs and puzzles. Try to come up with new and interesting ways to sort and organize the items. Remember that time is key. Once you have mastered your organizational skills, practice shifting between your visually spaced out categories.
Improve Spatial Efficiency
Focus on 3-D Puzzles
Visual Spatial Categorizing