All You Wanted To Know About Yag Laser Treatment
Yag Laser treatment is a form of skin resurfacing procedure and is a considerably new cosmetic technique.
It is used for treating various conditions such as acne, spider veins, birthmarks and fine lines.
It is particularly useful in wrinkle reduction.
The skin around the eyes and mouth tends to get affected very badly with age and this Yag laser helps in skin rejuvenation.
What Is It Used For? Apart from the conditions mentioned above, it can be used for removing tattoos and can also reduce the appearance of mild burn scars.
An Intense Pulsed Light is used in this process and the top layer of the skin is removed.
The damaged or scarred layer is peeled-off and new skin eventually takes its place.
This new layer is always softer and smoother than the one that was removed.
Yag Laser treatment is similar to other techniques such as microdermabrasion and chemical peels in that it helps in removing the surface layer.
However, the laser treatment is non-invasive.
The laser beam is able to target the problem spot very accurately and it treats that segment of your face in an aggressive manner.
The side-effects As mentioned earlier, this procedure tends to be aggressive and there may be some side-effects.
These will depend on every individual's skin type and condition.
The risks are generally not very severe.
Here are some important pointers: • In some cases, there are chances of discoloration that vanish within a few days.
• Those who have sensitive skin may find that the sensitivity has increased post the treatment.
There could be redness or scaling.
These symptoms will vanish within a week to ten days.
• Another important thing to be aware of is that Yag laser is not really suitable for dark-skinned people.
The outer layer tends to lighten at the spot that has been treated and in some cases, this discoloration could be permanent.
• Those who have got an Isotretinoin treatment done in the previous year should not opt for Yag laser procedure.
Is Yag Laser For You? This process does carry very severe risks but should be avoided by some people.
Those with a dark skin tone are not good candidates as it can cause unwanted pigmentation changes and lightening of skin.
Patients who are prone to scarring or keloid or those who have been treated with the drug accutane up to 18 months before the laser treatment should not opt for it.
The best way to know if you are a suitable candidate is to consult a trained professionals.
It is used for treating various conditions such as acne, spider veins, birthmarks and fine lines.
It is particularly useful in wrinkle reduction.
The skin around the eyes and mouth tends to get affected very badly with age and this Yag laser helps in skin rejuvenation.
What Is It Used For? Apart from the conditions mentioned above, it can be used for removing tattoos and can also reduce the appearance of mild burn scars.
An Intense Pulsed Light is used in this process and the top layer of the skin is removed.
The damaged or scarred layer is peeled-off and new skin eventually takes its place.
This new layer is always softer and smoother than the one that was removed.
Yag Laser treatment is similar to other techniques such as microdermabrasion and chemical peels in that it helps in removing the surface layer.
However, the laser treatment is non-invasive.
The laser beam is able to target the problem spot very accurately and it treats that segment of your face in an aggressive manner.
The side-effects As mentioned earlier, this procedure tends to be aggressive and there may be some side-effects.
These will depend on every individual's skin type and condition.
The risks are generally not very severe.
Here are some important pointers: • In some cases, there are chances of discoloration that vanish within a few days.
• Those who have sensitive skin may find that the sensitivity has increased post the treatment.
There could be redness or scaling.
These symptoms will vanish within a week to ten days.
• Another important thing to be aware of is that Yag laser is not really suitable for dark-skinned people.
The outer layer tends to lighten at the spot that has been treated and in some cases, this discoloration could be permanent.
• Those who have got an Isotretinoin treatment done in the previous year should not opt for Yag laser procedure.
Is Yag Laser For You? This process does carry very severe risks but should be avoided by some people.
Those with a dark skin tone are not good candidates as it can cause unwanted pigmentation changes and lightening of skin.
Patients who are prone to scarring or keloid or those who have been treated with the drug accutane up to 18 months before the laser treatment should not opt for it.
The best way to know if you are a suitable candidate is to consult a trained professionals.