God Save Our Children
God save our children From dangers and devils From murderous decrees of Pharaohs Hedonistic haters like Herod Who despise the prophetic seed Pedophiles and abductors Strangers and kidnappers Who purport and prey On innocents everyday Projecting themselves to be kind Lurking perversely to find A youth with whom to spend time Grossly defile them with their slime Betray their tenderness and trust From such vile people God deliver us! Give us an old fashion revival Whereby all souls shall be leveled At the foot of the cross of Christ Raised up with newness of life Transformed from such evil Change prisoners causing all to marvel To uplift holy hands to heaven in delight Let not social outcasts steal kids in the night Purify them within making all wrongs right Give them family and appropriate friends Suitable for their own age to befriend Of our children, don't let them make slaves Rearrange and reorder their ways Visit them in the midst of their sinful days Turn them upside down and right side up Cause them to drink from a new cup Taste of the rivers of the Spirit of the Lord Lay down their ill intent and be not froward Give them purpose to replace perversion Destiny to draw them out of their delusional diversion A secure identity to overcome internal insecurity That they might be made strong inwardly And no longer prey on the weak outwardly Once again humble and give them childlike hearts Holiness and righteousness from which they won't depart Give them grace and a brand new start Help our kids discern the devil's snares and traps Hear our prayers God and stand in the gap Return our children who have been abducted Heal and remove the scars from nights neglected Concerning the abuse some have already suffered Be not silent nor still oh God Send angels along with the police squad To war and fight for that which is right To deliver our children from evildoers tonight Have mercy on our little ones dear Lord Save our children in this darkest hour Open the heavens and send down your power Let not the enemy steal, destroy, and devour.