Premature Ejaculation Hits Younger Men
However, premature ejaculation is one sexual dysfunction that hits younger men, especially those in their twenties.
This can be a real blow to younger men, especially since this is the age of the newness of relationships and sex and being unable to perform becomes a stigma that the man carries with him for the rest of his life.
The reason why premature ejaculation hits younger men is mostly due to emotional states-typically fear, nervousness, stress or having learned that it is shameful to masturbate or enjoy sexual encounters, they have learned to get it over with quickly in order to remain undetected by others.
Younger men also feel the pressure of outside stresses more acutely, such as the stress of things like work, school or a new family, which also leads to premature ejaculation problems.
Younger men are also less inclined to talk about problems in the bedroom, leading to the problem being unsolved.
Premature ejaculation in younger men is overwhelmingly caused by psychological and emotional problems.
From a very young age, many men are conditioned to believe that masturbation is wrong and embarrassing so when it is done, it is done quickly and quietly.
This then translates over to sexual encounters where the shame still lingers and makes men continue to go faster.
The problem is then compounded by life stresses and the pressure to perform against the media's idea of what sex should be like.
One of the solutions to dealing with premature ejaculation in younger men is to improve the confidence of the one suffering the problem.
This can be done through products like gambir sarawak which allows the body to improve blood flow and create harder erections that last longer.
The boost of self confidence from a few runs with that will help him to get over the emotional blockages on his sexual power on his own.
This should be combined with things like therapy or at least a safe place to talk out stresses and worries so that they don't remain bottled up where they affect his physical state of wellbeing.
This combination of herbal products to improve erections in the short term and the ability to let loose to help stress in the long term can go a long way towards dealing with premature ejaculation altogether.
If you suffer from premature ejaculation, then you should consider a combination of dealing with the problem via products like gambir sarawak, doing more physical exercises to help your body, and talking to other people about your problems; either a therapist or your partner.
Sexual dysfunction doesn't have to be something you suffer with for the rest of your life; it can be dealt with and you can enjoy a healthy sex life.