Moreover, former president George W. Bush borrowed more money from Congress than all the previous presidents before him combined leaving the U.S. national debt in the range of approximately $56 trillion. We must ask ourselves as citizens, who's going to be responsible to repay these debts in the very near future? Our children who had nothing to do with it? Additionally, if our former president ruined the U.S. economy through illegal wars in eight years, how is President Obama going to fix the economy in just four years? Have we been bamboozled, or lied to yet again with truth peppered with falsehood concerning these subjects? Have we been labeled (sheeple) by the so-called elite and hoodwinked into believing such fallacies? These are just a few of several questions that can be implemented concerning the coming of a (police state) in America where people are to be subjugated and instructed what to do and what to buy like a communist Red China of the past.
With this said, we must support activist such as Naomi Wolf, Minister Farrakhan, Ron Paul and anyone else who stands up for truth, justice and equality. Overall, with all of the political or environmental deterrants that may come our way, it may be smart to store gallons water, non-perishable food items and increase the security of our homes and apartments. Typically, any intelligent person knows "It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! And next year, if hypathetically FEMA or a military faction knocks on your door claiming a natural disaster, alien invasion, or martial law, simply don't answer the door with a sign on it saying "I gave at the office"! TD