Recognizing the Signs of Fertility
It will greatly increase your success of conceiving a child if you are aware of the signs that the body gives off to confirm that you have indeed ovulated.
The body gives off three universal signs of fertility although in paying attention to your body, you may notice more.
Let's first discuss the universal signs.
~ One sign is your Basal Body Temperature (BBT for short).
This is the body's temperature at rest, before any activity is initiated.
The body has a normal temperature that slightly increases during the time of ovulation.
As the cycle progresses, it will return to normal unless fertilization has taken place.
In that case, the temperature usually stays slightly elevated.
The BBT should be taken in the morning before going into any motion.
So, it would be helpful to keep a Basal thermometer right next to the bed to get the most accurate results.
~ The second sign is your cervical mucus.
The discharge you see changes in consistency and color in accordance with the phase of your cycle that the body is going through.
Early on, the amount is very little.
It is thick and sticky and holds a form.
In the "Transitional" stage, it becomes thinner, stretches a little and may be a little cloudy.
But the time you most look forward to is when it is thin and transparent, like an egg white in consistency and lots of it.
You can see the cervical mucus by: looking at your underwear, the tissue when you use the bathroom, or inserting fingers into your vagina.
~ The third sign is the cervical position.
When the cervix is high, it represents fertility.
The cervix is usually low in the beginning stages of your cycle.
One way of checking is by standing in the bathroom with one foot on the toilet and insert your middle finger into your vagina.
If you can barely reach your cervix, it is high.
If it is easily accessible, it is low.
Although, doing this daily, after a few months, you will see more of what is "high" or "low" for you.
Those were the universal signs, although some women note that they can feel a slight cramping when they ovulate.
Some "spot" during this face.
Others can tell by how they feel.
In any case, the key is paying attention to your body, because we all are unique.
Our bodies speak to us.
The question is...
Are we listening?
The body gives off three universal signs of fertility although in paying attention to your body, you may notice more.
Let's first discuss the universal signs.
~ One sign is your Basal Body Temperature (BBT for short).
This is the body's temperature at rest, before any activity is initiated.
The body has a normal temperature that slightly increases during the time of ovulation.
As the cycle progresses, it will return to normal unless fertilization has taken place.
In that case, the temperature usually stays slightly elevated.
The BBT should be taken in the morning before going into any motion.
So, it would be helpful to keep a Basal thermometer right next to the bed to get the most accurate results.
~ The second sign is your cervical mucus.
The discharge you see changes in consistency and color in accordance with the phase of your cycle that the body is going through.
Early on, the amount is very little.
It is thick and sticky and holds a form.
In the "Transitional" stage, it becomes thinner, stretches a little and may be a little cloudy.
But the time you most look forward to is when it is thin and transparent, like an egg white in consistency and lots of it.
You can see the cervical mucus by: looking at your underwear, the tissue when you use the bathroom, or inserting fingers into your vagina.
~ The third sign is the cervical position.
When the cervix is high, it represents fertility.
The cervix is usually low in the beginning stages of your cycle.
One way of checking is by standing in the bathroom with one foot on the toilet and insert your middle finger into your vagina.
If you can barely reach your cervix, it is high.
If it is easily accessible, it is low.
Although, doing this daily, after a few months, you will see more of what is "high" or "low" for you.
Those were the universal signs, although some women note that they can feel a slight cramping when they ovulate.
Some "spot" during this face.
Others can tell by how they feel.
In any case, the key is paying attention to your body, because we all are unique.
Our bodies speak to us.
The question is...
Are we listening?