Wood Vs. Metal Swing Sets
- Many public parks and recreational places use metal as a choice material for playground equipment. Metal is durable and can withstand the elements if it is properly coated and sealed. Metal equipment is usually supported by a foundation, and homeowners should keep this in mind if they want to expand their playground equipment or move the set to another location. Most wooden swing sets are not laid onto a foundation, and they offer more flexibility with moving the equipment from one location to the next. Overall, metal is a more durable substance than wood, but there are some wooden materials that can withstand the elements just as well as any type of metal.
- Wood swing sets have problems with rotting and breaking apart. Bacteria have the ability to weaken the bonds of wood and this causes rotting and splintering. Protecting wooden swing sets from moisture is important. Some woods are naturally resistant to moisture but many are not. Certain insects, such as termites, can feed off of wooden swing sets and weaken them. Different grades of metal are used for swing sets, and some types are weaker than others. Rust is a negative factor that affects metal sets, and owners must properly seal and coat equipment to keep out moisture. Metal doesn't splinter like wood, but rust can cause parts to weaken, and this could cause harm to children.
- Playground equipment is generally colorful and vibrant with a festive appeal. Children primarily have fun on swing sets, which is why manufacturers create them in bright and appealing colors. Depending on the neighborhood, some sets may not fit into the scheme of the location. Backyards that have plenty of trees and other vegetation are perfect settings for wooden swing sets. Metal sets have a more industrialized look, and they tend not to blend into a natural environment as well. Owners can choose a color or style that might be acceptable for metal sets, but wooden sets will probably remain the best choice as far as aesthetics are concerned.
- Before installing a swing set, property owners must check their area's zoning laws and codes to ensure they can be situated into the environment. Once again, many neighborhoods are against metal swing sets being set up within the environment because of their appearance. Depending on how a swing set is constructed and how it is maintained, either wood or metal sets can last a long time. Swing set owners should also oil and lubricate nuts, bolts and other metal attachments to prevent or slow down rust. Keep in mind that wooden sets typically cost more than metal sets, and they offer more versatility with color and options.
Material Quality