How To Write A Blog Post That Ranks High On Search Engines

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Do you want to know how to do a blog post that gets ranked in the top of search engines? Your probably tired of spending hours in front of your computer blogging daily and no one ever notices your posts.
You have a message that you want people to hear but you just can't get your article noticed or read by anyone.
Or maybe you've tried blasting...
(er, spamming) your Facebook friends for exposure but still you get no likes.
Well if these are your typical results, I have got some terrific information for helping you get massive exposure to your blog post and getting ranked on the search engines.
How To Do A Blog Post That Ranks High On The Search Engines You want to begin with the idea in mind of posting on purpose.
For the business minded blogger I would even say you want to post on purpose for profit.
What is it that you're trying to achieve by writing your blog post? If its to create a subscriber database or direct potential customers to a sales funnel than blogging is a fantastic way to get in front of like-minded people.
How does your target audience find out about your related topic? They go online of course.
So your goal is to make sure that the blog post you create is ranked on page one by the search engines.
Achieving this result gives you the best opportunity because it will be seen by the most people.
The best way to achieve that is to start by identifying a keyword that is high demand but low competition.
The importance of finding the right keyword is to accurately identify the target group you are trying to reach.
This is the first step because if you misidentify your keyword your content won't get seen by the people your crafting your message for.
So master these steps for how to do a blog post that gets ranked by search engines.
Pick The Right Keyword - High demand keywords are searched more than 1,000 times both globally and locally per month.
You find this using Google's Keyword Tool External.
Use the external because if you sign in its going to use your profile to tailor the search results.
What you want is the most organic results available.
Don't sign in.
Write Relevant Content - ask yourself the same questions your target audience is asking.
What are the difficulties they are going through (needs).
How do you identify with their pain (wants).
Examples of what your prospects are asking is:(for network marketers) How can I spend more time with my kids? or How can earn more money to take the family on that special vacation we've always talked about? With your blog post you should hit these hot-spots so that people feel like you understand what they're going through and it feels more like your having a genuine conversation with them.
How To Make A Blog Post That Sizzles In order to know "how to do a blog post" that the search engines will love; you must understand there's a few little known elements that affect the way your blog post gets ranked.
Apply these strategically and your sure to dominate the niche you've selected.
On Page SEO- SEO stands for search engine optimization.
There are whole industries based on doing this effectively.
Fortunately for you we don't have to get a degree in SEO.
We just have to apply a few known key points to have a positive effect for our posts.
Key Word Density- this means you've added the search term proportionally throughout the article.
The keyword should have at least a 5% immersion in the article.
It should also be placed in the title of the blog post and the first and last sentence.
The keyword should also appear in the article 3 distinct ways; in bold, in italics, and also in "quotations".
H1,H2,H3 Tags - h1 to h6 tags define html headings in your blog post.
They are categorized from most important (h1) to least important (h6).
Your keyword should also appear in these tags (h1,h2,h3) in your article.
Anchor Text - anchor text is the visible clickable text that links to another web page or resource.
You can link to authority sites that the search engines find appealing such as Wikipedia or ezinearticles.
You can link to other content on your blog.
And you can also link to capture pages using it as a cool forward technique.
(hint- you should have one of your keywords that's in a heading tag (h1,2,3) as an anchor text).
Images - your images should have the keyword you've used in the title and description.
Also if you add a caption, the keyword should be included.
Using these steps should help you to prepare your blog post for maximum leverage.
But do you know that there are a few more things that you should do to compete for first page rankings.
The two other key factors for how to do a blog post that ranks high are page rank and back-linking.
Page Rank A great way to earn a decent page ranking in the search engines is by posting to an authority site.
Authority sites for the purposes of relating to online marketing are huge, popular sites with lots of credibility.
"Authority" is determined by the number of links that are attached to it and the amount of content added.
Examples of great authority sites are cnn.
com, and usa.
They are large in volume and have massive content related to news and government respectively.
Authority sites that's great for you to add content to are Wikipedia and ezinearticles.
Because these sites get linked by many other web-sites, they are seen by more people.
In turn your article or post featured on these sites will get seen by a larger audience.
So to recap, a site that is focused on a particular subject that has a lot of other sites linking to it will receive a high Page Rank.
at least that's how Larry Page (Google) simplifies the definition of Page Rank, since he invented it and it bears his name.
Back-linking Back-linking is the process of getting your site linked by many web-sites.
In essence you are attempting to create authority to your site.
If people begin linking to your article or blog post what they are in effect doing is voting that your site, article or blog post relates more to a subject (keyword) that other sites, blog posts etc...
How To Do A Blog Post That Makes Money So you spend hours researching a topic or niche.
You craft your message to take advantage of every SEO tactic you know.
Your images are optimized and you've back-linked the post.
What's next? You must have a strong call to action! Whats the use of doing all the work to get traffic to your site if at the end you don't instruct them to do something.
This can be asking for the sale, or asking people to like and share your blog post on Facebook.
It could mean directing them to join your newsletter or simply requesting them to leave their comments below the blog post.
It's the final and most important piece of your hard work and its part of the "posting on purpose" mindset.
That's about all I have on this particular subject.
I hoped you found it relevant and useful.
If you did please share it with others who may find value in it as well.
Feel free to tweet it also.
So that I may keep the content current and informative I'd appreciate it you also left your comments.
That would be great.
Make it a great day.
The majority of the content above can be found in a soon to be released training series called "The $15K Per Month Formula".
If you've found this excerpt valuable imagine what the entire series contains.
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