Samsung Galaxy S2 The Current Numero Uno!
The Samsung Galaxy S2 is now acknowledged as the current best seller in the smart-phones market place here in the UK. The Galaxy S2 is simply running away with not just sales glory but all so receiving accolades and appreciations galore from all quarters.
The South Korean mobile phone giant has undoubtedly struck pay dirt with this one. And deserves every bit of the success and the adulation it is receiving as the Samsung Galaxy S2 indeed is a finest piece of smart-phone technology that seems to be as close to perfection as you can be. We are saying here as close to the state of perfection as in real life nothing can be perfect. All the same, it has been a flawless performance from Samsung.
Perfect synchronization of software and hardware!
Simply filling your smart-phone with as much software and hardware goodies is one thing and quite another to make them jell together and work in sync to the overall optimum performance of the device. And this is exactly what Samsung has accomplished with the Galaxy S2. As all the ingredients does seem in total agreement with each other and the final product is naturally beyond most expectations.
With over three million units already sold world wide and the momentum hardly seeming like sussing even in the near future, Samsung certainly has every reason for it to be happy and even proud of its efforts in recent times.
There are some mobile phone industry experts who point out to the fact that Samsung is raking in the big bucks only because of the absence of the new Apple iPhone 5 that normally gets launched in June every year. Well, it is not really Samsung't fault that Apple has not met its June deadline for its next generation iPhone. Secondly, even when it did last year with the iPhone 4.0, the original flagship Samsung Galaxy S did notch up a record breaking 10 million unit sales within a couple of months of its launch in November last year.
Let us give credit where it is due!
Come on let us be a little more generous and give credit where it is due. Samsung indeed has delivered big time with the Galaxy S2 and has, in the process, managed to, even set a few benchmarks for the competition. Apple, on its part, would do well to realise that here is hard and real competition that needs to be taken head onl.
The Samsung Galaxy S2 is available for free against any number of cheap contract phone plans offered by the network operators like 3 Mobile, T-Mobile, Orange, O2, Talk-mobile and others for anything in the range of25 to30 per month.
The South Korean mobile phone giant has undoubtedly struck pay dirt with this one. And deserves every bit of the success and the adulation it is receiving as the Samsung Galaxy S2 indeed is a finest piece of smart-phone technology that seems to be as close to perfection as you can be. We are saying here as close to the state of perfection as in real life nothing can be perfect. All the same, it has been a flawless performance from Samsung.
Perfect synchronization of software and hardware!
Simply filling your smart-phone with as much software and hardware goodies is one thing and quite another to make them jell together and work in sync to the overall optimum performance of the device. And this is exactly what Samsung has accomplished with the Galaxy S2. As all the ingredients does seem in total agreement with each other and the final product is naturally beyond most expectations.
With over three million units already sold world wide and the momentum hardly seeming like sussing even in the near future, Samsung certainly has every reason for it to be happy and even proud of its efforts in recent times.
There are some mobile phone industry experts who point out to the fact that Samsung is raking in the big bucks only because of the absence of the new Apple iPhone 5 that normally gets launched in June every year. Well, it is not really Samsung't fault that Apple has not met its June deadline for its next generation iPhone. Secondly, even when it did last year with the iPhone 4.0, the original flagship Samsung Galaxy S did notch up a record breaking 10 million unit sales within a couple of months of its launch in November last year.
Let us give credit where it is due!
Come on let us be a little more generous and give credit where it is due. Samsung indeed has delivered big time with the Galaxy S2 and has, in the process, managed to, even set a few benchmarks for the competition. Apple, on its part, would do well to realise that here is hard and real competition that needs to be taken head onl.
The Samsung Galaxy S2 is available for free against any number of cheap contract phone plans offered by the network operators like 3 Mobile, T-Mobile, Orange, O2, Talk-mobile and others for anything in the range of25 to30 per month.