6 Ways to Sooth Sensitive Skin
If you have sensitive skin, you're well aware of the negative effects it can have on your everyday life.
Depending on the severity, everything from a shower to a simple walk down the road in the winter can cause tremendous discomfort.
Regardless of how sensitive your skin is, there are a few great ways to cut down on dryness and irritation.
Follow these tips year round and your skin will thank you for it.
Depending on the severity, everything from a shower to a simple walk down the road in the winter can cause tremendous discomfort.
Regardless of how sensitive your skin is, there are a few great ways to cut down on dryness and irritation.
Follow these tips year round and your skin will thank you for it.
- Keep it Simple:When you have sensitive skin, you're more likely to develop blemishes and other skin irritations.
Out of habit, we often combat these skin problems with an arsenal of products.
Unfortunately, even though you may think you're helping your skin, you are actually adding to the irritation and ultimately making the problems worse.
The best way to help sensitive skin is to cut back on your products and only use what is absolutely necessary.
- Don't over Wash:If you're having skin problems, you may be tempted to wash your face several times a day, especially if you find your skin to be oily.
Washing your face more than twice daily can result in added irritation and dried out skin.
This paired with the product you will most likely use to counteract the problem will only leave your skin red, irritated and looked less than its best. - Sun Screen:It seems like no skin or makeup article is complete until it touches upon the importance of sunscreen.
Heed the advice of many and make sure you protect your skin with some SPF.
To much exposure to the sun can cause problems for any skin type and sensitive skin is no difference.
You need to protect your face in order to cut down on red, irritated, dry, and itchy skin.
Those with sensitive skin are often more likely to end up with sun damaged skin which can greatly increase your chances of getting skin cancer. - Natural skin care products:If you have sensitive skin, it's important to practice consumer awareness when your purchasing skin products.
Any skin product that contains perfume or is fragrant can irritate your skin leaving you wishing you used your eyes instead of your nose to guide your product choice.
Choosing natural skin care products that are free of perfumes or fragrances will cut down on the likelihood of skin troubles. - Soap Free Cleansers:Mom always told you to wash your face with soap and hot water, but that no longer is the case.
For those of you with sensitive skin, soap can be just as detrimental as a harsh cleansing product.
Look for cleaners that are soap free.
Some people are confused by the idea of cleaning without soap, however, calm your fears, it's just as effective and for sensitive skin it's a lot safer. - Alcohol Free Astringents:We often turn to astringents like toners to help balance out the appearance of our skin, minimalism the size of pores, or to help prevent razor burn.
Often times, these have high alcohol levels which can instantly dry out and irritate your skin instead of improving it.
If you have sensitive skin, look for alcohol free toners to achieve a more balanced complexion without all the irritation.